18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts


I really wanted the market to COLLAPSE amidst black smoke and busting shards of metal — but I am pragmatic — a liberal man able to switch his disposition at a drop of a hat. For those of you confused, or befuddled even, whilst reading the literature printed on this blog — just know that I grew up in the sewers of Brooklyn and my defense mechanism to survive is to be malleable. One second I am a bull and the very next a bear. The point here is to always drift with the winds.

Some traders are visionaries and others trade the trends. I am both.

Ergo, and this goes without saying, I am now positioned long — but with 30% cash.

My longs include tech, biotech, oil, banks — the whole kit and caboodle. I am a NATO man, rooting for globalism to reassert itself amidst a slave class of underlings who manufacture things for us with the express goal of genocidal miscegenation in order to divide and conquer and control the plebeian class whom depend on us for their food, money, and pleasure.

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One comment

  1. 2 wheels

    Sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong, but it never pays to go against the trend or your wife

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