18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Are you ready to be massacred?

You GIGANTIC FAGGOTS are going to lose all of you money tomorrow, on news that the President intends to win this trade war — a war that should’ve been waged 20 years ago. This will, undoubtedly, crush in the skulls and the faces of all the financial advisors in America — absolute catamites committed to passive strategies — riding the market’s cock all the way up.

Dow futs are off more than 370, Nasdaq more than 80. China is fucked. Le Fly wins again.

“In light of China’s unfair retaliation, I have instructed the USTR to consider whether $100 billion of additional tariffs would be appropriate under section 301 and, if so, to identify the products upon which to impose such tariffs,” Trump said in a statement.

Say what you want about Trump, but his policies are belligerent and alpha as fuck.

“POTUS is sending a message to China about consequences,” a White House official told CNBC.

Here is the full statement.

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Additional Proposed Section 301 Remedies

Following a thorough investigation under section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) determined that China has repeatedly engaged in practices to unfairly obtain America’s intellectual property. The practices detailed in the USTR’s investigation have caused concern around the world. China’s illicit trade practices ? ignored for years by Washington ? have destroyed thousands of American factories and millions of American jobs. On April 3, 2018, the USTR announced approximately $50 billion in proposed tariffs on imports from China as an initial means to obtain the elimination of policies and practices identified in the investigation.

Rather than remedy its misconduct, China has chosen to harm our farmers and manufacturers. In light of China’s unfair retaliation, I have instructed the USTR to consider whether $100 billion of additional tariffs would be appropriate under section 301 and, if so, to identify the products upon which to impose such tariffs. I have also instructed the Secretary of Agriculture, with the support of other members of my Cabinet, to use his broad authority to implement a plan to protect our farmers and agricultural interests.

Notwithstanding these actions, the United States is still prepared to have discussions in further support of our commitment to achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade and to protect the technology and intellectual property of American companies and American people. Trade barriers must be taken down to enhance economic growth in America and around the world. I am committed to enabling American companies and workers to compete on a level playing field around the world, and I will never allow unfair trade practices to undermine American interests.

USTR Robert Lighthizer Statement on the President’s Additional Section 301 Action

“President Trump is proposing an appropriate response to China’s recent threat of new tariffs. After a detailed investigation, USTR found overwhelming evidence that China’s unreasonable actions are harming the U.S. economy. In the light of such evidence, the appropriate response from China should be to change its behavior, as China’s government has pledged to do many times. Economies around the world – including China’s own – would benefit if China would implement policies that truly reward hard work and innovation, rather than continuing its policies that distort the vital high-tech sector.

“Unfortunately, China has chosen to respond thus far with threats to impose unjustified tariffs on billions of dollars in U.S. exports, including our agricultural products. Such measures would undoubtedly cause further harm to American workers, farmers, and businesses. Under these circumstances, the President is right to ask for additional appropriate action to obtain the elimination of the unfair acts, policies, and practices identified in USTR’s report.”

Any additional tariffs proposed will be subject to a similar public comment process as the proposed tariffs announced on April 3, 2018. No tariffs will go into effect until the respective process is complete.

REMINDER: China can’t win.

UPDATE: Prepare to get REKT longFAGwhores.

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  1. acehood


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  2. sarcrilege

    Hot war in China sea and off Taiwan should not be too far behind. Fingers crossed.

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  3. s.k.

    Trade wars are good, and easy to win!

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  4. juice

    China will respond overnight and dow futes will be off by an el grande by NFP time, wherein they will make up the whole shebang and then some .. welcome to 2018

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  5. Dr. Fly

    Dow futs -1,500by 9am.


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    • Lyndon Keltner

      Went long /ZB and /GC futs big league when the $100 billion headline crossed the Bloomberg terminal.

      Not sure about 9AM but holding tight for now.

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      • Lyndon Keltner

        FWIW the /GC position hit the break-even sell stop soon after midnight.

        Will probably close the /ZB long position before the jobs report.

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    • ydauction

      hang seng is up 1%, tomorrow maybe another buy dip rally.

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    • acehood

      Fair value?

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    • traderconfessions

      Kudlow will come in and say Senor Orange was joshing and market will reverse.. deja vu style. Either way I cash in.

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    • Phileo99

      China will start dumping the $1.2 Trillion in Treasuries that they own. US Mortgage rates will skyrocket to 15%. Mortgage holders default on their mortgages. Market participants lose faith in US Treasuries. Unprecedented Global worldwide Depression ensues.


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    • moonshot

      I would think they would just make the futures worthless by 9am, despite the underlying stocks rebounding within a week. Surely there must be something in the prospectus?

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    • numbersgame

      You really thought this shit was that easy to predict?


      We’ll see how long the amrket can pretend not to care before it goes deep red.

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  6. Lyndon Keltner

    It sure feels wonderful when America is made great again.

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  7. heckler

    Dude I’m on board. Fuck it and FUCK CHINA!

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  8. joseph25

    “I have instructed the USTR to consider whether $100 billion of additional tariffs would be appropriate under section 301”.
    Make it 1 trillion.

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  9. it is showtime

    They have Bls Bs if they want to reverse it

    The jestful war cries on this page though. Are awesome.

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  10. tonka


    If markets love regular war, why wouldn’t markets love trade war?

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  11. helicopter money
    helicopter money

    I told you that bounce wasn’t gonna last Fly. Just wait for that 10 year to hit 3%.

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  12. wolfdaddy

    Alpha male is right. Thank god. Imagine that pussy Jeb in office

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  13. traderconfessions

    I put my money on the Commies. They were out-negotiating their enemies when Trump’s forefathers in Scotland where playing polo with severed heads. They mastered the abacus when westerners were counting on their fingers. Trump keeps this up you’ll see farmers throwing pitchforks on Pennsylvania Ave… come on Melania… do the right thing and MAGA.

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    • sarcrilege

      The chinks are not as smart as you make them out to be. The hofjuden came, drugged the whole China in 1800’s, savaged the chinese civilians, raped their women and stole their silver. Methinks those chinks are quite the dumb bunch

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      • traderconfessions

        They invented General Tso’s Chicken.. America invented McNuggets… you know nothing!! Now go tiny url yourself into a corner for a timeout.

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  14. dawg

    Nuthin’ burger…. BTFD

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  15. swordfish00

    We close green tmrw or we dine in hell

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  16. jonnybegood2

    after 8 boring but bullish years it is a day traders market again for sure. i cashed out my USOW and TQQQa end of trading day and went SQQQ. (been mainly reversing big moves) Got almost instant wind at my back with the Orange Trump ‘thinking about’ more tariffs (since when does his ‘thinking’ cause a sell-off like this, post market near 500 down DOW and my gut td me to cover again. Went back TQQQ and UDOW. Will need to make a decision before Friday close. If we stay 500 DOW down I am even so I like the risk reward basically into the weekend, but i think we’ve already come back at least 200 off the premarket lows so i like my chances. sell off seems overdone on just his asking cronies to look at his ideas

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    • jonnybegood2

      which may never happen at least soon. Also using large dips to get in tickers i’ve been waiting that we’re out of reach until February – Visa at 112, HD at 171. If we do sink more I’ll add more to these 2 and perhaps VZ under 47 just before it goes ex QD. a bit more., with the timing of trumps tirades i would think he is being used (by whom?) to manipulate the market – but who knows. just trying to stay on the right side of tradeing and been mucky of recent m.

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  17. Lyndon Keltner

    And there goes the sell stop on my /ZB position. So, stepping into 8:30 without any risk-on hedge.

    Like Al Gore in the ManBearPig episode, Trump is very serial but the markets think he is a clown.

    I can’t disagree with the markets.

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  18. masteroneass

    All goes back to the queer liberal thought of the dems. Well they are concerened which bathroom queers can go to and ourbland wastes away Republicans have to tackle the hard issues. In essence doing twice as much work as they would have had to do. Lets end this game once and for all. No more accomodating queer government.

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  19. the dude

    OK I hate to be that guy. It is $100 billion in goods that are going to be tariffed, not $100 billion in tariffs. (adjusts taped spectacles)

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  20. soupbone

    It took maybe 20 years to move manufacturing to China, and this was done very aggressively throughout. Tariffs are not going to solve this or even touch it.

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  21. Bullish

    I’d be willing to bet those passive strategies blew the lights out of every trader on this website over the last five years. And those peeps only needed to open their statement at the end of the year to find out.

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  22. the dude

    Correction: It is $100 billion additional tariffs. Well, that should cover most Chinese imports then. MAGA

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  23. soupbone

    Intellectual property is weak arguement when we moved our manufacturing there and we sold our companies to China. The Swiss made the latest gaff selling agricultural technology company Syngenta to China. That was fucking stupid. US has sold mainly scraps like Motorola Mobility and IBM PC’s (Lenovo), however, Smithfield Foods got away which should never have happened.

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  24. edn618

    If the eminis remount 2650 on increased volume and hold, will be looking long. If not, short bias, watching for any pushes lower on increased volume, whereas the collective depends of the trading community will approach their absorption limit and I will aggressively hit bids If 2600 breaks on volume and holds, “Goodnight, Gracie” as the man said. Thank you.

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  25. heaterman

    Because shit like this happens every day. This was a permanent American resident who was obviously still working for the Chinese government.
    The guy just got a 10 year prison sentence.

    “Weiqiang Zhang betrayed his employer by unlawfully providing its proprietary rice seeds to representatives of a Chinese crop institute,” Acting Assistant Attorney General John Cronan said in a statement. “Today’s sentence demonstrates the significant consequences awaiting those who would steal trade secrets from American companies.”

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    • numbersgame

      Yeah – but do you think they gave the crop seeds back without keeping a few or anaylzing the genome?

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