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Austria Announces Plans to Build 100km Fence to Keep Migrants Out

Due to the invasion of migrants spilling into Austria in search of milk and honey, the government has unveiled a plan to build a large, reaching fence, more than 100km long, in order to keep them out. Said wall will be monitored by troops and police with angry dogs. The metrosexuals in Brussels are very upset by this and have expressed their dismay with both Austria and Hungary, who also have a wide, reaching, fence to keep out the barbarian hordes.

Austrian declares this new fence plan will make their border ‘impregnable’.

State officials have reached agreements with hundreds of landowners along the 100km stretch of border which will allow the fence to be put up in record time should the number of refugees increase again, according to a police spokesman.

Austria is on the Balkan migration route to the ‘promised lands’ of Germany and Sweden, where most asylum seekers arriving in Europe want to settle and start a better life.

At one point last year the country was brought to its knees by thousands of people crossing its borders every day, but the numbers have tailed off significantly since the EU signed its migrant deal with Turkey.

Neighbour Hungary is no stranger to border fences, having angered EU officials by building its own 175km fence along its border with Serbia last year when the migrant crisis was at its peak.

But relations between Hungary and Austria have been strained in recent months, with Vienna demanding that Budapest take back several thousand migrants under the Dublin agreement – a request which has so far been refused.

Do you know what’s better than a border fence? A border wall.

Learn the lessons of history and understand that is was the walled cities of Hungary that kept the Mongolian Golden Horde from conquering all of Europe. They were plagued by these fortress cities and left outside to play with their horses, starving like morons.

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  1. kugar

    Wow, that’s so racist.

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    • hedge500

      hope thats a sarcastic comment.

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    • btn

      kugar, take off your rose-colored glasses and pay attention: building a border control wall is not racist.

      Claiming that most of the Mexicans that cross the border illegally are rapist is racists.

      Retweeting racist comments from white supremists is racist.

      Tweeting racist images form white supremist’s forums is racists

      Referring to African Americans as “the blacks” may not be racists, but it is damn ignorant

      “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment,”
      – Paul Ryan

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  2. t.c.

    Gingrich really spelled out the threat from Islam last night in his RNC speech. If you’re on the fence for Trump it will help:

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  3. t.c.

    Don’t forget the Battle of Vienna on September 11th, 1683 when the King of Poland stopped yet another Islamic invasion of Europe in it’s tracks. This is likely why the Bin Laden chose to attack us on September 11th. Austria and Hungary have suffered under Islamic rule before, they are more awake to the threat because of their history.


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    • chuck bennett

      The hussars.

      Was the most successful calvary in history. You kids should look them up. Polish hussars, best in class. Who know?


      Chuck Bennett

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