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UNICEF: 49,000 Children at Risk of Starvation in Nigeria, Due to Islamists

The sharia loving fuckheads in Boko Haram have caused immense carnage and suffering in Africa’s most populated shithole, Nigeria.

“Some 134 children on average will die every day from causes linked to acute malnutrition if the response is not scaled up quickly,” Manuel Fontaine, Unicef regional director for western and central Africa, who just returned from a visit to Borno state, said in the statement.

During the 7 year jihad Boko Harem imposed on Nigeria, tens of thousands have perished, but we only know about it when a stupid oil pipeline has been disrupted.


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  1. infinitezuul

    Let’s import them into America! Do not act surprised when they are 98% male and between the ages of 19 and 36, thought.

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  2. bountyhunter1

    They can eat deer, no ?

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  3. stockslueth

    Please don’t let the savages live among us. Thank you.

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  4. wisprjet

    So true Dr. Fly. Out of sight, out of mine. One also forgets Boco Haram’s pledge of allegiance to ISIS. The atrocities of Boco Haram include massacres, burning of entire villages, torture, and abductions.

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