18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Markets Lift Again into Bad News

When was the last time markets went up because of fiscal stimulus or GDP growth buoyed stocks? Almost every rally is due to monetary promises, which are nothing more than plots and schemes to send stocks higher.

Is anything wrong with stocks going higher all the time?

No. As a matter of fact, I was the guy who claimed to be ‘permanently’ bullish, up until the point when I couldn’t take the bullshit anymore. Earnings season is what did it to me. It revealed the truth behind the facade and it always led to Netflix like harrowing losses. There isn’t much the Fed could do about NFLX missing numbers, other than create the conditions in the market to make stocks like NFLX attractive.

Over the past three weeks, the market has taken on a brand new version of speculative perversion, rallying after BREXIT, heinous terrorist attacks and sharply lower crude prices.

Nothing seems to send stocks lower. They have the indelible feel of invincibility, the sort of market that cocaine addled hedge fund managers dream of.

Having been in the market since the 90s, I can tell you with absolute assurance, markets always feel best just before the rug gets pulled. This isn’t bearshitting conjecture, emanating from a deranged psychotic who blogs about end of days scenarios all day long. I like to consider myself keenly aware of my surroundings, a watcher of the tea leaves. From my vantage point, there is nothing redeemable about the climate we’re in, the dislocations in the credit markets, the faux yields in Europe, the looming credit meltdown in energy. Terrorism is escalating and earnings are in recession.

Ladies and gentlemen, doom is, inexorably, around the corner. You just haven’t bothered to take the blinders off to see it yet.

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  1. matt_bear

    japan is rallying off nintendo stock, while we’re rallying off the company that provides plastic screen protectors and battery packs to keep playing said nintendo game.

    does the Ark have wifi and squirtles?

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  2. Marc David

    Ark appears to have Wi-Fi. I believe there are some Squirtles and Jigglypuffs but be careful. People are luring you over the side of the Ark and suddenly you get pushed over. It’s some type of scam to get Pokemon seekers and then rob them. The Ark is full so your seat is valuable. Don’t get lured to the sides to get pushed over into the raging sea.

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  3. t.c.

    VIX on the march of death downward this morning, but the stocks ain’t having it.

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  4. stockslueth

    “Prosperity is just around the corner.” – Herbert Hoover

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  5. john_galt

    The Ark looks like a BTFD opportunity

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  6. gibbs888

    Time to walk into the UVXY casino?

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  7. en1gma

    Fly, I’mma let you finish, but first SPX 3000!

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