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U.S. Markets Do Not Follow Europe Off the Cliff, Commodities Firm

Crude is down 1.5%, but many oil stocks are up. Gold is strong, which is helping the miners. American markets have a tendency to rally after terror events. That’s American for ‘fuck you, we’re not scared of you,’ in Wall Street terms.

Still, there are many things wrong with the tape, stemming from negative rates to a rapidly increasing yen to the looming BREXIT vote. This morning’s deals (Bluecoat, LinkedIn) helped to get the wheels turning at many greedy as sin money management firms. As we speak, there are people buying YELP and TWTR now, thinking they’re next. We both damn well know that neither of them are getting a bid any time soon.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see stocks stage a rally today, although I won’t be chasing it. I’m on the ark, counting my gold bricks, waiting for the storm to come.

Oh yeah, European markets are being ravaged on BREXIT fears. So predictable.


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  1. trumpmeister

    TWTR won’t get a bid until it’s $10 or under. YELP won’t get a bid until it’s $15 or lower.

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  2. bushwacker2

    My RGR is making a comeback today. Shouldn’t that also be on the ark with the gold bricks?

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  3. active shooter

    Like Twitter here……I’ve been buying Jan 18 strike calls. Speculative but interesting. FWIW

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  4. roundwego

    vix is going to breakout or take a retrace. i vote for breakout 😉

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  5. frog

    It’s good that the lieutenant governor of Texas deleted the tweet about “A man reaps what he sows.”

    I wish it were easier to have more of a conversation about this, about what people believe. Defeating terrorism is at least in part about defeating ideas as it is about militarily defeating terrorists. If we defeat terrorists’ ideas, no one will believe them enough to let themselves be recruited by them.

    When people of any religion believe that people who have “sinned” according to their particular religion, deserved to be killed, that’s Stone Age thinking. Of course it is not anywhere near as bad as Stone Age actions. But it does encourage such actions. And that’s a problem.

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    • kugar

      Religion is a stone age concept. It serves no purpose other than to comfort the weak and guide imbeciles.

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  6. t.c.

    You will enjoy this Frog. Mark Steyn on multiculturalism:

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    • frog

      Thanks t.c. I did enjoy it. Great you tube there.

      I do believe in being open to learning from other cultures and I know that the U.S. has benefited from the mix of ideas, companies, art works, literature etc from many immigrants who have moved here over time.

      And I agree with Steyn that it is important to learn facts about other cultures and to admit it when their cultural practices are back in the Stone Age, violating human rights and harming people in various ways.

      I think that we ought to neither feel warm and fuzzy about all cultures, nor should we automatically hate on everyone who does things differently from us. It is more useful to seek to understand exactly what is going on in a culture of interest and how it affects people.

      For sure, everyone in the U.S. should know the capital of Saudi Arabia– and tons of other facts about that country– given how involved the U.S. is with them.

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      • t.c.

        Yeah, Islam is horrible. I agree.

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      • frog

        I don’t think Islam is horrible. Terrorist who call themselves Islamic are horrible. Most Muslims are peaceful. Many many of them condemn ISIS and all terrorism. They are all over Twitter at #notinmyname and other places. Another example:


        This is why Obama does not say “Islamic terrorism.” Most Muslims do not think that terrorism is a part of their religion, any more than most Christians think the killing of doctors and patients and bombing of abortion clinics is part of their religion.

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  7. bushwacker2

    Obama doesn’t say “Islamic terrorism” because he’s a fucking pussy with two brain cells—and one is lost and the other is looking for it.

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  8. bushwacker2

    Islam is a fucked up “religion”. Make women slaves, kill queers, Jews and Christians and fuck little boys up the ass. Unless you’ve been to Iraq or Afghanistan, Frog, you have no fucking idea what you are saying by calling Muslims peaceful.

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