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Andrew Left From Citron is Shorting $FB (yawn)

File this one under ‘who gives a shit’?

Talk to me about Chinese frauds or maybe pharmaceutical scams and I’ll listen. But Faced book? Really? Come on, son.

“Facebook is losing an extensive amount of relevancy,” Left said in a phone interview Monday morning. “I am short Facebook.”

LinkedIn “was a monopoly in their respective space, whereas I see Facebook losing share to Snapchat and overstaying its welcome in other niches,” Left said. “I am not saying Facebook is a ‘bad company’ (it) just will not be a $330 billion company in a year.”

For the sake of humanity as we know it, I hope Mr. Left is right. Still, there’s nothing interesting about this call.

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  1. btn


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  2. awanka

    I find his thesis quite poor, but it’s kind of awesome that he can manhandle Facebook shares like this. Guy has some pull.

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  3. javiergoldstein

    reminds me of his TSLA call….”it just feels like I should be short”…

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