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Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: Patton

Long ago, before the era of the transgender elite controlling this country, hard men like General Patton traversed America. He wasn’t interested in gender neutral bathrooms or offending people with the colors blue and pink. No, he said ‘fuck you’ to that. He was interested in killing the hun, greasing the treads of his tank with their guts.

The opening monolog is probably the best damn movie speech of all-time. This entire film is a work of art. However, it definitely might offend some of you who are sensitive to men who exhibit extreme amounts of bravery and machismo.

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  1. matt_bear

    You did this one already. 🙁

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  2. ho_chi_min

    have you seen Paths Of Glory?

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  3. margin call

    One of my all time favorites.

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  4. ahadbi

    Did you see Money Monster with Tom Hanks? its in theaters right now

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  5. awanka

    I’d like to see a Titanic review.

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  6. one-eighty

    Saw Barkley Marathons on Netflix. Captures a wonderful quirkiness that is uniquely American.

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    • jasond

      That was a good documentary…would like to attempt to sign up for it someday…

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  7. joyous__ending

    Patton 2016 – Now playing on Earth II in the Sixth Dimension

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  8. braveflaps

    This is pretty good, but have you see Bring it On? Criminally ignored by the Academy.

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