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Morons: Citi Sues AT&T Over the Word ‘Thanks’

At the end of times, there will be nothing but bugs and lawyers left to inhabit the earth. In what could only be described as a very moronic and wasteful time to be spending in court (hello billable hours), Citi is suing AT&T for using the word ‘thank you.’

While AT&T isn’t using the words ‘Thank You’ in their material, but instead ‘thanks’, the fucking assholes at Citi believe it’s too close for comfort and would rather sue than to think this through like a rational human beings.

The bank sued AT&T Inc. on Friday over the telecom company’s use of the trademarks “thanks” and “AT&T thanks” in a new customer-loyalty program. The use infringes several of Citigroup’s trademarks, including “ThankYou” and “Citi ThankYou,” according to a complaint filed in Manhattan federal court.

Citigroup, the world’s biggest credit-card lender, has been using the “ThankYou” trademark in a customer-loyalty program since 2004, and more than 7 million of its customers have a ThankYou-branded credit card, the bank said. Citigroup wants a court order barring AT&T from using the terms.

AT&T’s use of the phrases “is likely to cause customer confusion,” the bank said. The trademark designs also have similar fonts and word placements, according to the suit.

AT&T is balking at New York-based Citigroup’s allegations.

“This may come as a surprise to Citigroup, but the law does not allow one company to own the word ‘thanks,’’’ AT&T spokesman Fletcher Cook said in an e-mail. “We’re going to continue to say thanks to our customers.”

Litigious animals. Bleak House.

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  1. braveflaps



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  2. stockslueth

    I know I would be confused if someone thanked me there.

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  3. moosh

    Check out that $C chart…..a thing of beauty.

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  4. sethster99

    As far as I know, a word in the dictionary is not legally allowed to be trademarked. Good luck Citi. I hope they counter sue you for fucking the US of A in 2008.

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