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German Magazine Begs Britain to Stay in the EU

In a last ditch attempt at convincing the freedom loving people in the UK to stay in the oppressively fascist state of the EU, Der Spiegel published this week’s magazine, as a form of beggary, hoping to sway a few votes in their favor. The gist of the matter lies with Greece and the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain), in regards to their mountainous debt. It is widely feared that if the UK vies for freedom, other nations might get the same idea and break away from the EU. With Germany being the leader of the EU (extra nazi), this bodes poorly for them, as the dissolution of the euro would, indelibly and inexorably, remove their advantage as the manufacturing hub for all of Europe.

Germany has the most to lose. Hence, they beg…like dogs.

In no uncertain terms, it tells British readers “it’s smarter to stay.”

The appeal includes an interview with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on the economic consequences of a British withdrawal, an article on the efforts of a Berlin and London-residing artist to convince Britain to stay, as well as a feature on BMW’s rescue of the iconic Mini as an example of a German-British success story. The issue argued that “Brexit would be a catastrophe for everyone” and went ablaze on Twitter using the hashtag #pleasedontgo.

“We can no longer convince the British to love the EU. It’s too late for that,” Spiegel wrote in the cover story. “But perhaps we should use this opportunity to mention how much the rest of Europe admires them. It’s unbelievable that they don’t seem to see how much they’ve shaped the continent, how much we value them here, how close we Germans feel to them — that too is part of the story.”

The German magazine’s effort to sway British voters comes after policymakers including Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen have expressed concern over the possible departure of the U.K. from the European Union following a referendum scheduled for June 23. With less than two weeks to go before the vote, the uncertainty has also spread to financial markets. A poll published late Friday showed the ‘Leave’ campaign taking a 10 percentage-point lead, sending sterling plunging to its lowest since April against the dollar.

Recent polling data suggest a 10 point lead for people opting to leave the EU. This effort has been spearheaded by the boisterous Nigel Farage.

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  1. superpositron

    I’ll vote to leave though I doubt we will. Too many under thirties with mathematical abilities who grew up with the EU will vote to stay.

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  2. frog

    I think Britain will probably stay also, although I live in the U.S. so don’t know Britain so much– except I know from a visit that Kew Gardens is the most wonderful garden on earth.

    It seems to me, doing the math that I do, that Britain would be worse off in the short run, by leaving, but would likely be better off in the long run by leaving. And it seems that most people everywhere just pay attention to the short term, not the long term.

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    • ironbird

      frog. Do you ever not have an opinion or some puppet excuse for one? Who do you think you are kid. Classic know it all liberal asshat. Good job you passed the test.

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      • one-eighty

        Classic right-winger who thinks that insults count as witty repartee.

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      • ironbird

        You know everything too huh? Some of us know what is not right and that is enough. Grow up.

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  3. trumpmeister

    There is a wave of nationalism that is sweeping across all western nations, which partly explains for the rise of Donald Trump. Personally, I think GB will leave the EU.

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  4. helicopter ben

    Too many rules and too many second world countries create a real issue for the EU. Hopefully it collapses into something better for everyone but GerMONEY.

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  5. one-eighty

    Spent a few weeks in April visiting family in the UK and most people I asked about the EU wanted to remain.
    A big problem is that Farage is one of the chief spokesmen for BREXIT. Lots of people detest him and don’t want to support anything he supports.

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  6. Dr. Fly

    He’s the Donald Trump of the UK

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  7. markprince82

    He’s no Donald Trump, if you actually listen to what farage says he wants immigration controlled not stopped. He says nothing that is not true and and speaks sense unlike trump yet people call him racist because the media brainwash the people against him.

    He wants Britain to have a say who steps into the country regardless of skin colour or nationality, nothing racist about that, that’s common sense.

    Trump is just racist full stop and speaks fantasy politics.

    And yes I am British, living on this shitty little island that is way too overcrowded, but extremely patriotic.

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    • frog

      What you are telling us he said sounds like Bernie. He also wants his nation to have a say about who steps into the country. I am sad that he won’t get the nomination, and I hope he will push Hillary to the Left, and push her to be against trade agreements that are bad for U.S. workers.

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      • chuck bennett

        @frog, if Farge sounds like Bernie? Why do you want UK to stay in EU?

        You would be anti-Bernie via being Anti Farge. No?

        You have to think these things out better.

        Free people to govern them selves is better than any sort of money.

        You give up liberty (national law and rights) for security (money/riches) YOU deserve neither.


        Chuck Bennett

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      • frog

        I don’t want Britain to stay in the EU. I think they will stay, but I think they are making a mistake. If I were there, I would vote against.

        Britain would be worse off in the short run, by leaving, but would likely be better off in the long run by leaving. And it seems that most people everywhere just pay attention to the short term, not the long term.

        I think it would be wise to pay attention to the long term, rather than to short term bumps in the road. But I don’t think they will. Most people are too focused on the short term for their own good. I am assuming Britain is no exception to that. But time will tell.

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      • frog

        If voters did the stuff I think they should do, Bernie would be the Dem nominee.

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