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With 13 Days Until the Vote, Polling Data Suggests the People of Britain Will Leave the EU

It’s not nice of the British people to desire freedom and independence from the EU hegemony, controlled by trollish looking like men and women in Brussels. In a surprise poll, conducted by the Independent (ironic), the lead of the pro BREXIT camp grew from 51% to 55% since April. If this was to come to fruition, the authoritarians in the EU would be, inexorably, fucked–with others almost certainly vying to escape their wrath as well.

The survey of 2,000 people by ORB found that 55 per cent believe the UK should leave the EU (up four points since our last poll in April), while 45 per cent want it to remain (down four points). These figures are weighted to take account of people’s likelihood to vote. It is by far the biggest lead the Leave camp has enjoyed since ORB began polling the EU issue for The Independent a year ago, when it was Remain who enjoyed a 10-point lead. Now the tables have turned.

Even when the findings are not weighted for turnout, Leave is on 53 per cent (up three points since April) and Remain on 47 per cent (down three). The online poll, taken on Wednesday and Thursday, suggests the Out camp has achieved momentum at the critical time ahead of the 23 June referendum.

This, of course, is having a deleterious effect on stocks and has increased today’s rout, as the dreams of a utopian society of globalist elite, trotting from one continent to the next, handing out donuts to the indigenous people, begins to morph into the fabric of fantasy, withering away like the residue from a cocaine platter at a Beverly Hills summers night out.

NOTE: The British Pound is getting pounded v the dollar.


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  1. trumpmeister

    Good for GB wanting to regain their freedom.

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  2. roundwego

    Brits dont like taking orders from anybody, especialy from germany.

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  3. frog

    It seems like Brexit would hurt Britain in the short run, but help it in the long run. I am surprised at the results of the poll, because people usually only look at the short term.

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    • metalleg

      Brexit would hurt in the short term because the central banks will purposely try to punish them to set an example, not for any natural market based reason.

      What I find interesting is that 45% or so still want to stay in. Not sure that number isn’t fudged in order to keep in close in the public’s eye to set up for a slight Bremain victory.

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      • ironbird

        Dude those Socialists only lose when strung upside down. Nothing harder to kill than group think.

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  4. gibbs888

    After watching Brexit the movie, I understand why many want to leave.

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  5. sven

    An online poll weighted for likely voters is a terrible way to poll with any accuracy to the underlying population.

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    • ottnott

      It’s done all the time, but pollsters don’t switch from registered voters to likely voters until the election is close. Standard practice.

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  6. zheeeem

    It would hurt the UK in the short run, and really, really hurt the UK in the long run.

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