18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts

The Ark is Floating

TLT is at new highs. There were a great many of you who talked shit, suggesting that I was insane for taking such a stubborn view on bonds. You’re all drowning in a catastrophic flood now, as the oars from my ark bashes your skull in.


I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve made scores of great calls, some of which have made many of you many millions of dollars. This will be my best call ever.

My newly minted positions in GLD, AUY, AU and NEM aren’t fairing too poorly either.


Get on the ark or get in the mine. If not, you’ll all perish a most horrendous death.

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  1. bravo

    This just in…”‘Noah’s ark’ takes on Norwegian coastguard and comes off worse”….

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  2. active shooter

    I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve made scores of great calls, some of which have made many of you many millions of dollars. This will be my best call ever. Donald…is that you?

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  3. Dr. Fly

    Many many millions

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  4. active shooter

    I’m on the Fly train………

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  5. uglyflint

    Before boarding all passengers are encouraged to take a TVIX vaccine shot.

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  6. trumpmeister

    I follow faber and fly call on the fertilizer names out there. at the end of the day, people need to eat bc we’re naturally gluttons. we just need mother nature to piss on our crop and all fertilizer names will rocket to the moon.

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  7. goose20

    Nibbling at some monopolies ‘KMI”

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