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Shares of $ARMH, $QCOM Drop on News that $AAPL Chose $INTC Chips for iPhone

This is the first big mobile chip win for Intel. Both ARMH and QCOM really dropped the ball on this one.

I am sure Apple raped Intel on this deal, as they’re infamous for squeezing suppliers.

Both ARMH and QCOM are getting hit, while INTC recovers from earlier losses




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  1. roundwego

    As dell went in 90’s and sony went in 2000. So apple will go in 2016. All bubbles burst. Human like blowing bubbles, they just cant help themselves. Our brain is no match for our gut.

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    • og

      Pretty sure most people would not consider AAPL a bubble stock.

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      • lesurgeon


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      • btn

        PE ~11 -> not a bubble

        However, AAPL stock is still exposed to a big plunge for 2 reasons:
        1) 25% of revenue and 50% of revenue growth is from China
        2) 90% of revenue is from Products as opposed to Services (unlike Google, FB, and MSFT, for example), which is much more susceptible to econmic downturns
        3) Psychologically, many people look solely at stock prices (not PE, not market cap, not sales) to deceid if a stock is “expensive”. $100 is expensive in their minds, regardless of PE

        My guess is that AAPL will go down much farther than the market, and will likely be able to be picked up in the $70s, if not $50s. My plan is to wait for a plunge and then sell $50 puts when/if the stock plunges

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      • roundwego

        Iphone was a bubble. Touch sceens were a bubble. As personal computers and walkmans and vcrs. No tech lasts.

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