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‘Noah’s Ark’ Replica Crashes into Oslo Coast Guard Vessel

You can’t make this shit up.

Norwegian officials say a wooden exhibition ship built as a representation of Noah’s ark has struck a coastguard vessel in Oslo harbour, damaging both ships.

Coastguard spokesman Rune Svartsund said the wooden ship was being towed into harbour on Friday morning when it ran into the Nornen, a patrol vessel moored at the quay.

Svartsund said no one was injured but both ships were damaged.

Get the fuck out of the way, Oslo. The ark floats and needs to find refuge for the scores of zebra, jaguar and giraffe on board the biblical styled ship.

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  1. roundwego

    Maybe an sign of rate hike when no one expects it. There will be a time when everything gets sold, including gold and bonds as deflation takes hold for the crash. Will see.

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  2. jacked rabbit

    If I find out that Tyler Durden over at ZH is actually piloting this thing, I is not going to be pleased.

    And when Trump saunters onto this site, he better not get that Home Depot ad in Spanish I’ve gotten for the last couple of days. He’s gonna blow a capillary..

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  3. syntexgoodwin

    I laughed so fucking hard after seeing this. Thank you.

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    • ottnott

      Yes, still laughing as I type.

      I hope none of the dinosaurs on the ark were hurt.

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  4. frog

    Amazing how history repeats itself. Only with Noah’s original ark, there was no towing available, so it perished. That’s why all humans currently on the earth are descendants of Coast Guard employees. And the animals are descendants of the animals who jumped onto the Coast Guard ship.

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  5. btn


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  6. btn

    Maybe the US is moving warships into the Black Sea and Mediterranean to avoid drunk Norwegian Ark captains

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  7. oldmantrader

    Surely a sign from nostradamus of the coming apocalypse. The end is near

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  8. stockslueth

    That’s it! I’m selling everything and moving to higher ground.

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  9. awanka

    Should invest in an iron prow for the ark.

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  10. jonny

    They always assume it’s “Noah’s” ark. Why?

    How long have you had yours for now? Feels like at least 6 months?

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