18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Bill Gross Explains, the Only Way to Escape the ‘Supernova’ to Come is to be on the Ark

I’ve been very docile with my viewpoints with you this year. Part of it has to do with my retirement from the fuckheaded money management business. The other part is a certain zen that has washed over me, as I am supremely confident with my investment strategy, more so than at any time in my illustrious career.

It reminds me of the time, as a young intern, in the NYC Comptrollers office. It was the mid 90’s and I was stark raving mad bullish on this thing you now know as the internet, professing the virtues of this small start up company called America Online. The bosses there heeded my advice with skepticism, printing out articles from fucked faces who said Microsoft would, in fact, destroy AOL in the race towards being the #1 online service provider–leaving such filth on my desk as a lesson of sorts for a know it all punk kid.

Fast forward 5 years later, my tiny $6k investment in AMER swelled to over $250k, helping a young lad from Brooklyn escape the horrors of living in a basement apartment with my wife and young child.

BEHOLD B. Gross and his ‘supernova’ theory.

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  1. peso trader

    What was AMER?

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  2. peso trader

    Sorry what price was AMER?

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  3. awanka

    Can the ark really withstand superheated gases and hyperkinetic space debris?

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  4. rigged game

    The USA should try to refinance its $19 trillion debt at NEGATIVE interest rates. We could slowly pay it off.

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    • btn

      One problem with that idea: the FED buys (most of?) the US debt now, so this would cost the FED money. Cashflow/default problems with the FED would probably be more damaging to the US economy than a US debt default.

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  5. matt_bear

    Didn’t you turn that $250k to $0 though?

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  6. uglyflint

    How about a horror story in reverse. Me and my buddy were attending a week long class to obtain our series 7 licenses in downtown Chicago in 1978. We struck up a conversation with a gentleman from Arkansas and dined out one evening. He said he had a very close friend by the name of Samuel Walton. He was the founder of a company that just went public and we should invest. I’ll never forget we laughed and said “yea right, you’re probably a short seller”. $10,000 invested back then would be about $5,000,000 today. Woulda, coulda, shoulda horrors.

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  7. moosh

    I loved the sun is still there moron comment.

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  8. helicopter ben

    Be wary of Jimmy Carter, he’s planning something https://answersingenesis.org/ministry-news/ark-encounter/president-jimmy-carter-tours-ark-encounter/

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  9. zheeeem

    Bill wouldn’t be talkin’ his book, would he?

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