My name is Rob and I'm a gregarious gentleman who travels and blogs. http://stophavingaboringlife.com/
Joined Jan 9, 2014
222 Blog Posts

Drake Bay, Costa Rica


I’m going through that dead hard-drive some genius resurrected and found these. Looks like 90% has been recovered but of course what I want is gone. Just stumbled across this folder and thought I’d share these with you. I spent a long time on the Osa Peninsula and it’s one of the most beautiful and inspiring places I’ve been; also one of the most bio-diverse.


I stayed at the Aguila de Osa and highly recommend it. The whole peninsula has very little going on but so much at the same time. You may not see many people but 30 scarlet macaws might be enjoying almonds on the tree in front of you every morning; that kind of place. It also has some deadly snakes, just saying.


That said, I left that peninsula at peak productivity, in the best shape of my life and with a completely clear mind. If you’re in Costa Rica, I recommend it. Supposedly the Nicoya Peninsula which is further north has some of the oldest living people on the planet; I don’t doubt it for a second.


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Sailing Yacht Charter off Malta

This video is from an afternoon I spent on a sailing yacht charter off the coast of Malta. Seriously, one of the cooler things I have done in a while and if you’re in Malta I suggest you do it. I’m all over the map in my mind and I never look at itineraries or anything so had no idea I was going on one. The flight attendant I was chatting up on the flight said this is one of the things you gotta do.

While at the Royal Malta Golf Club, played a round with a French man who sailed here. Turns out besides those who fly in to relax, it’s a major hot spot for the yachting community. Seriously, yachts are like private jets; charter one unless you’re seriously obsessed with them or money grows on trees and they spread like weeds around your garden…

I went  with 3 ladies and the two crew, solid. That said it would be fun for the whole family.

FYI – I went to Malta as a guest of their tourism board but opinions are always mine.

Click here for more on Malta.

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A Perfect Day in Paradise


Today was one of those perfect days in paradise or at least perfect for yours truly. When I think of coming back to a spot, it’s a day like this which makes me book that ticket or choose to come here as opposed to anywhere else I’ve been or thought of.

Click here to read the story as I’m short on time.

Something can be said for rising early.

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Ocean is Everywhere


Good day,

The ocean surrounds all of us and no matter where you live, it’s not the center of the universe. The photo above is Brig Bay on Big Corn Island at dawn. It’s an interesting spot but seriously, not much going on. By not much going on, I mean if you show up cold, you’ll be like nothing happening. Meet a few people and you’ll quickly see the epicenter of Big Corn Island and a surprise and every corner.

I see people coming to these islands with big intentions; after a year or so that I come back they look like lost souls. This is pirate territory and you best never forget that. I’m reading a thick novel called “Don’t Stop the Carnival” and there is this beautiful lady who is a character who says she has to leave. It goes something along the lines of if you aren’t working here, it’s just a matter of time.

Big Corn is 1/2 the price of Little Corn and has a connection that rivals the one I use in Ottawa. Youtube video upload? No problem. Got $4? Well you’re covered for breakfast and lunch if you’re not some dude fresh off the plane. That said, it’s also rough with lots who will “molest” you which means disturb in Spanish. Once you know how to handle that lot, it’s a walk in paradise.

Topic of paradise; it’s always better in photos. It gets so hot in most of the places I’ve taken next-level photos that you sometimes feel you’re in hell while your eyes trick you into believing you’re in paradise. Still a beautiful spot but factor in egregious sweating and definitely forget your grey shirts at home if you were silly enough to even buy them….

Locals sit in the boats that are on shore and chat; I’ve joined them. Add a little imagination and guess what?! You’re going somewhere… End of the day, this place is the “end of the road” aka you need to back track to get anywhere and there is a saying.. A friend of mine owns the Osa Beach House and I spent 80 glorious days there, she always says “You meet interesting characters at the end of the road….”

Flicks cap,

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Funny How Things Work Out…


Good day,

I’m sitting here with what should be a smile but for some reason I feel stale. I’ve got the permit to build my dream spot on a small Caribbean island but a day before I even received said permit after a long wait; realized it wasn’t right. People come to these islands to forget about the world and/or retire aka drink rum in the evenings and snorkel during the day.

I’ve now spent about ~ 1 year on these tiny rocks and if I build a big crib on the hill; it will become a prison of broken dreams and lost potential. Until the power and connectivity situations improve, it’s a serious dead zone for those deep in the digital game. Even when it does get connectivity; does it make sense for a gent like myself to get tied down right now? The answer is no.

Apparently I have a cement head and am governed by grandiose fantasies;  what was I thinking? When I’m on the other side of the world, do I want to worry about some lost soul stealing my solar panels? Also, I have very few requirements to make this life possible; they are connectivity, availability and liquidity. I can renew that permit indefinitely, why not let it breathe?

That said, I do own another much smaller piece; might scramble to apply for a permit on that one which would give me a crash pad. It’s also small enough a venture that I can completely forget about it while I’m gone. As a result, things are going to pick up again soon; end of next week I’m flying back to Managua to get loaded up with supplies before heading to Miami where I’ll catch a flight to Croatia.

Ever met anyone who had a horrible summer in Europe?

Tips hat,

P.S: That’s Dubrovnik above; looks alright, yes?

P.P.S: It’s a crazy world, make moves to see some of it.

P.P.P.S: Check out EXIT Festival.

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Racing a Porsche 911 Turbo S in Leipzig, Germany


The video above is what it’s like if you take a test-drive at the Porsche factory track in Leipzig, Germany. I was in a Porsche 911 Turbo S with a solid driver and wow, those things fly. Some would say it would be way cooler if I got to drive but I’m here to say it wouldn’t be. There is no way I could handle that machine the way he does and it would just be pretty lame. I know a guy who did a test drive in a Ferrari and he said it was more stressful than anything, haha.




You can find an image of the track here.

The factory tour was alright but no cameras were allowed. I will note though that next time you see a Porsche, look for the brake calipers and note what color they are. There is like one million possible variations on any custom built Porsche and the calipers tell you what’s under the hood. Different engines have different breaking systems and if you see some that are acid green, the car is packing serious heat.

If you’re going to Leipzig and into cars, look into it.


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Sweating it Out at Sea


I’m back in the Caribbean Sea and sweating out this lengthy permit process; what’s cool is another gent I know got his and built his place in no time flat. It’s a wooden structure but he’s in his 60’s so what does he care if it rots in ~25-30 years?! I’m finally getting to the point where if nothing starts moving, I’m going to lose my mind. I’m sick of hanging out when I have visions of a home with a satellite internet connection and a fridge full of lobster; is that too much to ask? The days are long and hot with poor connectivity; less than ideal for a gent like myself.

In other news there is a rumor around about the cell signal increasing and I’m seeing it first hand. If you’re walking along the main drag aka the core of the village which is facing the big island; you can get 3G. 3G used to be a unicorn around these parts, someone with less than a credible criminal record once stated seeing it but it was all considered lies.


Suffice to say, what will be will be and nobody said building a fort on a remote island would be easy… I need to go to Croatia in the middle of next month. Before I ever found this little island utopia I had dreams of seeing the world; those dreams haven’t died. The plan is to spend sometime in the Balkans and explore more of the Baltics. What’s happening in Lithuania you may ask? I have no clue but I’m more than keen to find out and share what I can here.

Other news, if you ever come to the Caribbean and there is a local baseball game being played, go watch. I sat through a few games yesterday and it was a solid experience. I’ve seen some games before but this was first in a while; you need to embrace what’s happening around you in the destinations you visit. If not, no point in really going, chances are the photos you see on the net will look better anyways.

P.S: Happy Memorial Day.

P.P.S: That baseball diamond doubles as the LCIGBCC

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Port Elizabeth in Photos


Take a glimpse at Port Elizabeth which is a major port city in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. It’s an industrial town and a gateway of sorts to some more remote areas along the cape. Below are some photos and you can click here for a bit of context to what these photos are all about.

If you’re not in the mood for that just know that most of these photos are from in and around Art Route 67. It encompasses the spirit of the area historically and to this modern day; also it pays tribute to Nelson Mandela for his 67 years of public service.

Top photo is of the Donkin Reserve; Sir Donkin founded the place and built that pyramid in memory of his recently deceased wife who the city was named after. I had fun in Port Elizabeth but if you have limited time in South Africa; do investigate Cape Town or Durban first…











FYI: I was back in SA as a guest of the South African Tourist Office on a campaign managed and supported by iambassador; obviously all views are my own.

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30 Hours Later, Back in Nicaragua

Good day,

Writing this from my friend’s compound in Managua, Nicaragua. The flight from Durban, South Africa to here was roughly 30 hours and of course, my luggage is still in Miami. I took the Johannesburg to Atlanta flight which is one of the longest in the world at 16.5 hours. There are some longer but not that many and for most, it would be torture.

I on the other hand do this type of thing for a living. The retail traveler will break on the dip aka 6+ hours and fold like a cheap suit; I on the other hand just sit there dozing in and out in-between meals until we’re finally there. I’ve got a busy mind and I find flights to be some of the most relaxing time there is.

I’m here for a day or so waiting for my luggage that is probably being looted as I type this before heading to the islands. As much as I love them I’m starting to question my sanity considering the connectivity is crap and I need it like a diabetic needs insulin.

Sooner or later we’re going to start golf week; I hope some of you play.

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Cotswold Downs Outside Durban

Good day,

Just finished a round that was part of Stableford tournament at Cotswold Downs Golf & Lifestyle Estates outside Durban, South Africa. This course is up there with some of the better kept courses I’ve played. It’s really tough and not forgiving at all; also the greens are lightening fast like an average pool table on speed for those of you that don’t golf.

Click here to read my whole post about the course.

I’m out of here tomorrow and off to Nicaragua. South Africa is one of those places that makes you learn a little something more about life each time you visit. I also played another round while here and keen to play more. Cotswold is the kind of place that can get cool in winter months; if you’re playing pants aren’t a bad call and really study that GPS as the course can ruin you.

Also, golf in South Africa is really affordable; could rent a spot and work on game.

P.S: Bunker front left punished me.

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