Endorsements and LULU


Vote Rhino 2012

Senor Tropicana has asked those in the running for a tab to ask the staff writers for endorsements, Mr Woodshedder already has, and I ask if any of the others would too. Also, if the others who have endorsed me who are PPT OG’s like Marc, Gambino, Dodji, Julie, etc., would as well here in the comments I would really appreciate it. Today I crushed it in P, and I am only getting started.


Now, LULU and SWHC have earnings on Thursday and I am long both names. Firstly let me tell you, the demand for LULU is so high here, listen; While I was in the gym this evening this lady went up to another lady- that she didn’t know -and asked her when she got her LULU jacket, as they only run each for a few months. She told her that she’d just got it, thus, the other lady went and ordered one off of her phone from the elliptical. Ridiculous no?

LULU often guides extremely conservative. When they measure their SSSG, (same-store-sales-growth), they did not include their online revenue, they just left it out in growth and just put it into revenue, yet they’re growing fast as hell[1]. Oh, did I mention they now have young girls clothes for yoga and dancing? Like ballet shit. Do you have any fucking clue how mothers in Orange County are dying to dress their daughters up like miniature versions of them? Have a fucking look-see: HERE

I’ve got beer to drink, research to do, and madden to play. Oh, and by-the-fucking-way, I pulled 765 lbs off the third pin for two, with no reverse bands this time. I also weighed in at 274 lbs, an all time high.

Vote Rhino 2012



4 Responses to “Endorsements and LULU”

  1. Best of luck Rhino.

  2. I can say without a doubt you would make a great addition to the IBC team. Hard working, pumping out post after post, a great trader, and completely transparent on both wins and losses.
    Good luck Rhino!

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