Why Do Liberals Do This?


I guess I’m a moderate, but I consider myself a “rationalist.” Taxes are out of control, I think gay marriage and Marijuana should be legal, but I detest welfare and food stamps. My Mom had a minor surgical procedure this morning, so I called to check on her after she got home. We discussed the disgusting manner of the taxes that my Dad and her were going to have to pay, especially being salaried workers, and how liberals are such huge hypocrites.

Now, I’m sure most of you on the liberal side are like “You and your family have no idea…blah…blah.” That’s where you are wrong, fucked face, my parents are both self made. In fact, when my Mom’s first husband decided to run away with his secretary when she was 24- or whatever the whore was -she, as a single mother, worked two jobs and slept next to my brother on my Uncle’s floor while going to school. She was never on food stamps or welfare, and didn’t take any handouts of any sort. See, we come from long lines of warriors from the north and northwest of Europe, thus we would rather die then take handouts. There have been more than a few times since I have gotten out of the Army where I didn’t know if I was going to be able to eat that day, but I found a way, and never took any handouts myself.

Where am I going here? Recently at dinner with a group of friends my Mom was very upset about the prospective taxes she would have to pay. Relating the fact that they basically work 6 months out of the year for free, and have done so for almost 40 years, meanwhile there are folks out there who are too lazy to get a job, but are “triple special prestige” at playing Halo. Rather immediately one of their friends, unprovoked, went off on my Mom. Not in an intelligent manner, mind you, but in a raving lunatic sideshow type histrionic. He went on to say how the unions were saving the common man and how she had no idea, because his mother had a bunch of kids and was on welfare, blah, blah, blah, woe is fucking me. I disagree with each end of the spectrum equally, but those on the right seem to act with proper decorum. Did you see anyone on the right crying and making up excuses or conspiracy theories when Mitt lost? Didn’t think so.

I have to imagine this is some feeling of inferiority, which they would probably describe as “passion.” Whatever it is, it makes liberals look weak, and keeps me- and many others -from taking them seriously. It’s further exacerbated by the fact that they still like luxury goods. If you like nice things so much how can you rationalize other people working hard for you to enjoy them, without putting in the same amount of work? See this gentleman loves to go out on my parents $250k sailboat, going to Navy football games in their parking spot and luxury box with my parent’s names on them, and enjoying the rare and meticulously chosen libations my Dad serves up at dinner parties. This is seemingly the same treatment he wants for the rest of the population, the problem is, less and less people are willing to work that hard for them to enjoy it.

So liberals, I ask you, before you go crazy like a Muslim extremist with a bomb strapped to your chest, why don’t you have an educated conversation expressing your views in a proper way and allow the other side to have equal input. You might actually learn something and people make actually start to take you somewhat seriously.

10 Responses to “Why Do Liberals Do This?”

  1. I, too, am a social liberal, fiscal conservative…I relate to the “Libertarian” mantra more than anything. I would rather self immolate than to be forced to adhere to someone’s “God”, therefore I will never be completely on board with the neo-Republican agenda. Nevertheless, I hear (and agree with) what you are saying.

    Infrastructure in this country is some of the worst in the developed world. Of course this will never, ever fucking happen, but since these retards don’t want to budge on entitlements, how about instead of just giving people money for nothing, they are tasked with putting a little effort into rebuilding the very fabric of this country in order to receive government aid?

    Then again, no one gives a shit about infrastructure until 200 people die because a fucking bridge collapses from underneath them…so scratch that idea until there is a huge panic after something horrible happens and hundreds of people die a death that could have easily been prevented…THEN WE WILL SHOW HOW MUCH WE CARE.

    Fuck me.

  2. Really? Liberals talk like this while Republicans talk like that? Thanks Mr. Chapelle for your in-depth exploration of political thought.
    I think debasing the debate through an ‘Us vs. Them’ dichotomy is truly responsible for the lunacy on both sides (the right has its lunies too). It’s the inherent schizophrenia of capitalism.

    • You didn’t read it, as that is what I am saying. So you just proved my point.

      • I read, I didn’t see you say it. At least I didn’t see you say what I think I’ve said, but we shall see.

        Can you elaborate on the point a bit for my fucked face liberal brain?

        • I’m just saying that before someone goes full steam into crazy defensive mode, listen to the other side and ask questions, then provide your opinion. I often have gatherings at my place and that is the one rule If someone starts ranting and raving I promptly remove them from the premises.

          • So how does your description of liberals factor into this discussion, the only reason for the prod at the beginning of my comment.

            The point I was making is capitalism forces the schizophrenic nature of our political identities, as the expansion into globalized marketplaces seeks to include everyone while necessarily engendering divisions.

  3. If same-sex marriage is made legal by a federal judicial decree….

    Then I see now way how someone can claim the separate tax brackets of Married, Joint Married, Single, and Head of Household can be allowed to continue.

    • That’s a whole ‘nother bag of worms. My disagreement is the govt being able to tell folks what they can and can’t do. I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s orientation as long as they’re a productive member of society.

      • It’s my experience and opinion that Liberals go straight to the defensive. Conservatives seem to be more quite and reserved about it, as if they fear retribution. Just my experience.

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