I’m Back, +6.1% $GRPN $LF $OCZ $VHC


WOW! What a few nightmare days for me. Even when the market was ripping and everyone else was seemingly winning, I wasn’t. That changed today. So today I was up 6.1% however, I was down 4% both yesterday and on Wednesday. I am still up 16.4% in October since I started charting everything. I have no idea why I didn’t so this before, but now I am so enjoy.

Some idiot on Twitter/StockTwits yesterday was talking smack about my $FSLR puts, sold them for over 400% today. How you like them apples? I’m letting my $GRPN and $OCZ puts to expire as I will make more money that way then selling the puts. Almost all of my calls are expiring worthless, $S, $ORCL, $GPS, and $KWK. All less than 1% positions, so not a big deal. The only thing I bought today were some $VHC calls. Bears be forewarned, you are about to get slaughtered. Unless something great comes out this weekend I believe Monday to be another down day, but we just closed so it’s probably too far out to tell. After another down day, or two, we are off to new highs into Turkey Day and the holidays.



Active Positions: $GRPN $LF $OCZ $VHC

4 Responses to “I’m Back, +6.1% $GRPN $LF $OCZ $VHC”

  1. Killer trade on those puts. Way to push em down the fuckin’ stairs.

  2. Hell yeah Rhino.

  3. Well done Rhino congrats on the performance as shown with your portfolio chart, looks like standard reversion to the mean to me. Would be happy with the return so far.

  4. I hope you post tomorrow.

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