Just Got Back From Smashing Lightning Bolts


So I am back, MCPJ and I are just getting back to lifting heavy, pulled 455lbs no problem, couldn’t get 505lbs, many factors to think of there. Then hit overhead standing shoulder presses up to 185lbs, a lateral raise circuit, and some bent over shrugs super-setted with face pulls. Shorting TVIX is extremely risky but I would do only a very small amount, and it would almost certainly be a day trade. check this chart.

Look at the late March DONKEY PUNCH! I think we only have a very limited time left of high volatility before they “unleash the clam, and we go HAM.” This is a speculative as fuck ballsy play, but all my shit that has seemed like a no-brainer done deal has punched my fuckin face off. Furthermore, after we get a rally, where I can cover this fucker, this summer is going to be a fucking nightmare like last summer which will make it so that we can ride the TVIX horse to fuckin Malta. Check the yearly here.

See, those Mediterranean fuckers say they “can’t work during the summer because it is too hot,” take it from someone who’s kicked in doors in 130 degree heat while carrying well over 100lbs of shit, it’s not too hot. They are just lazy, the elections go off without a hitch, we think we are out of everything then fuckin Merkel throws a fuckin wrench in the wheel, while Hollande does something stupid, and back to square fucking one.


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