So I want to know what do you guys want to hear about besides the obvious. Do you want me to post more “value-centric” write-ups? Stories from my time in the Army? My encounters with idiots that usually leave them in physical pain? How I build models for different companies? etc. Not that I am lacking for things to write about, but why write shit if no one gives a fuck. Indeud.

So I was at the store tonight picking up some IPA and seeing what they had to possibly make for dinner. In the seafood counter they had Sea Bass, which is my favorite fish without a shell.  It was on sale for $8.99 per 4 oz filet, FUCK ME RUNNING? The real reason this pisses me off is because all these fat fucks are eating off “Dollar Menus,” meanwhile the rest of us have to pay a premium to eat healthy? FUCK THAT. Here’s some big government, subsidize healthy food, and put egregious taxes on bullshit junk food. The same is done to alcohol and tobacco. Put that in your deep fryer and eat it BIATCH!

31 Responses to “YOUR INPUT NEEDED”

  1. Berniecornfeld

    I vote for the models you build

  2. I vote for all, I enjoy reading a bunch of different things from traders. I agree on the Sea Bass v. McDonalds, absolute bullshit. Nice plug to NOFX too, great band. Love the IPA’s as well, some favorite IPA brewers of mine: Green Flash, Firestone Walker, & Lagunitas..there’s others but will stop there as now I’m getting thirsty.

  3. Write about why you drink so much IPA. Because I prefer a good dunkal or Scottish ale. Especially from nitrogen taps.

    Also individual market positions and your thoughts surrounding them.


    • Totally, I’ll do an “I love IPA like a true ‘trailer park homosexual (according to The Fly)’ post,” and I’ll talk about my love for beer in general. I will also give an update to my positions tomorrow with as much disclosure as I can.

  4. Tell us about your time in the army. Also I want to hear the post you would write if nobody else was going to read it and was just for your enjoyment. By the way, I love IPA, dunno if you get it down there but my favorite is ‘ Hop Head’.

    • Roger. What brewery, there are a few by that name?

      • tree beer

        • DUDE! I’VE NEVER HAD A CANADIAN IPA! THIS MUST HAPPEN! I did have an Icelandic Pale.

          • Whats the Icelandic like? My second favorite is the local ipa brew by Wildrose. I just noticed now that you mention it that I think I only ever buy Canadian beer haha

        • Do you live on the west coast? I’m gonna call Bev Mo but I don’t think I saw any Canadian beer outside of Molson, etc the last time I was there.

          • Nope, on the other side of the Rockies (Calgary). big rock is another one I like, with a interesting stock on tsx. If only they could reach a wider market..

        • I’m gonna have to talk to my local beer guy about Canadian IPA’s. Your west coast is very similar to ours, and I imagine the hop production is as well.

          • As far as IPAs go… Stone IPA is excellent. Also Sierra Nevada Torpedo. Give them a try if you haven’t yet.

  5. Rhino, you should go ahead and write about all that shit, additionally blog about stupid people from san francisco and how insane they are. And of course, market wrap up and analysis.

    • I have some great categories I am coming up with, one will be “Close Encounters of the Violent San Franciscan Kind.”

  6. I think you should write about it all, that way you likely won’t ever run out of material. Some of my favorite Fly posts are when he writes about events that happen in his life or his past experiences that have little (to nothing) to do with the market. I always enjoy getting to know a little more about ye’ lads. Just stick with it, I enjoy reading your posts.

  7. @noodleboy I love $BUD, and I think Canada and Australia are safe havens, so I will have to look into that.

  8. Hi Rhino, I think you should write about the meaning of life. The diversity of experience (at the Army, etc) you have opens door to new dimension of perception. Trading is but only one angle of what life is about…

    Thanks in advance.

    • That’s very “Zen” amigo. I agree, even the littlest lesson learned anywhere in life are often applied elsewhere.

  9. I would like to hear about beer.

  10. Good man! I will try to review one ale per week.

  11. beer reviews would be cool

  12. I would like to hear a bit more about the organizations you are reppin. i.e Yelp and how higher paying companies have the ability to be selective with negative reviews associated to their Co. ( may be a myth as Flynn Kelleher 4156379001 has been hyping for years)
    Or anything having to do with history. Possibly and trends that remind you of the Army.

    Or what you said to this guy to make him go bonkers:

  13. […] a weekly music album posted would be interesting. Looking at Rhino’s post titled “YOUR INPUT NEEDED“, it looked as if others were interested in more than just trading, and I agree. Like I said […]

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