Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,405 Blog Posts

#FF Follow Friday

Rather than just give a quick follow Friday on twitter, I’ve decided to do a blog post on Fridays with some of my top people to follow. I’ve created a new category on the right sidebar of this blog labeled  “All Things Twitter.” This will archive these follows, which in turn will help you build an elite twitter stream.

On a side note, I rarely use categories on this here blog, but will make a conscious effort to do going forward. I need to organize my content better, says @The_Real_Fly. I told him I’ve never been much of a blogger (I can’t write for shit), I’m a trader. He replied, “not anymore, you are a blogger.” Then proceeded to share his tips, CLICK HERE:

Second side note, if you are a trader, and do not use twitter, you are doing yourself a disservice. The timely information you receive via twitter is invaluable. Granted, you do have to curate your stream from time to time to block out the noise, but it is worth the time and effort in my opinion. I challenge you to open a twitter account in 2013. Make sure to follow me @RaginCajun

Now let’s get into a few names. (note: I won’t highlight any ibc bloggers, but they are all must follows, and you can find them at the top of the page)

My first Friday follow of 2013, is one of my trading mentors, and while we’re on the subject of mentors, I think every trader should have one. (Notice I gave this sentence its own paragraph, because I can’t stress the importance of this to become successful.)

The first guy I highlight is responsible for a lot of my success as a trader, none other than the magician @tradingaddicts. I’ve been following this guy since before twitter, back when people use to blog like the wind (twitter killed that). He use to make these killer watchlist videos on his free public blog, which is how I found him, and he also inspired me to make a few weekly watchlist videos myself back in the day. He is the master at finding stocks just prior to a breakout. He is a must follow.

Next up is a trader I’m sure most of you know @traderstewie. I met this guy along with another friday follow @Kunal00, on wallstreak.com. Wallstreak no longer exists, but it was basically a underground stocktwits before twitter was around. It was a great place to be as a trader as there were a ton of traders there happy to help people learn to trade. This was before premium services took over, now nobody wants to help newbies. Well, not this guy. Stewie will always give a helping hand to anyone, and is very selective in his stock selection. I think that is my favorite trait about him. His discipline to wait for his setup is unmatched by anybody i know, other than my business partner @ChessNwine <— another must follow, but you already know that. I remember early in my trading carrer, I was a wild-cat, shooting before thinking (still am sometimes). Stewie helped me to slow down a bit and focus on the very best setups. He is a must follow.

Next up, is @HCPG. He’s is a must follow for professional traders who want to cut out the bullshit and high risk plays. He’s the first one to let me know when I focus on the wrong things, ie. penny stocks, and I thank him for his continued discipline. His analysis is consistant, and he won’t put you in anything that will blow you head off. He also is a pioneer in the newsletter game, and has been at it for I believe over a decade. He is a must follow.

We can’t leave out a friend of the site @Stevenplace. He is a must follow for those that want to get involved in different option strategies. He also has a free book you can download from AMZN this weekend, I suggest everyone download it. Check it out HERE. I believe he can also out deadlift @Marc_david (another follow if you are into fitness, he will guide you in the right direction).

We will leave it at that for the week, because this post is starting to look like a mini book, and I don’t want to lose your attention. If you feel left out, have no worries, this will be a reoccurring theme, and I promise you will eventually make the list.

Happy New year to all you guys, everyone of you are responsible for a little of the success that The Cajun has in this game.

Cheers to a great 2013!


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One comment

  1. Grey Poopon

    nice blog RC

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