Joined Jan 27, 2008
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Setups Dwindling

I’m not seeing to much as far as long setups. Most charts are extended here and it is hard for me to put any kind of real weight behind a trade.

Battery plays are still on my watchlist as $ENS ripped after hours, following the likes of $XIDE. My top pick in the group is still $AONE.

Small financials are also popping up on my screens, stocks like $CRBC, $HAFC, $BANR, & $IBCP

Biotech’s seem to have strength, stocks like $DCTH & $JAZZ are worth a look.

But, at the end of the day, do you really want to be holding the bag in an alternative energy, small finanical, or biotech?


Keep you trades small, be nimble, and try not to blow yourself up.

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