The first hit is always on the house.
Joined Aug 2, 2009
1,847 Blog Posts


This action is suspect. For the signals I mentioned in my last post, you might want to consider enduring into the close.

I have a feeling this action will be the opposite of what happened yesterday. Draw participants into opening action, reverse mid-morning. I’m starting to think that this is why there were no gaps this morning. Allow everyone to participate at fair prices. If this doesn’t change as I think it might, I’ll be forced to make some adjustments.

This $IBB is heavy as shit, but as we mentioned in After Hours with Option Addict last night, I have to give this the fullness of the day to determine its fate.

Would you consider this action fast? It feels a little heavy, but you’ve seen fast. Is this fast?

I booked my $GOOGL and $FB here and picked up some $TSLA. I’m going to have to salvage some software/security plays here today as well.

FYI yesterday we reversed the opening move at roughly 11:00 am ET.

More later,


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  1. djmarcus

    Ignore IBB. XBI is the real risk indicator. Look at top holdings… it holds all the small caps. JMHO.

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    • djmarcus

      And look at VRX, the poster boy for hated biotech. Just my 2 cents… and talking my own book a bit.

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    • Option Addict

      I’ve been saying $IBB, because after taking a hit, I focus on quality. In AHWOA we’ve been keeping track of the top 10 holdings in $IBB. Those are mostly green today.

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  2. Steve

    WMT loses 16B in market cap. Is that bullish?

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  3. linmoo

    OA, what’s your take on the USD/JPY here? Seems like there’s been ample opportunity to break down or break out.

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  4. Nocturne

    2.85 on the 30yr has held twice this morning. Not good for oil t yet, but favorable very short term for a quick russell day trade.

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  5. Nocturne

    Was too cute and tried to get filled at 65.64. Missed it. Pulled my order.

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  6. bood

    not fast but some complete lack of buyers

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  7. josh

    Looks like yesterday after the open so far. run it up, then dump it. I went long ES at 87, tight stop.

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  8. Nocturne

    If the shorts wanna take control, they should do so at 11:30am and not let up

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    • josh

      bears certainly winning off 2014 es. Now they got vix shooting out of a cannon to help. If they fail to take this much lower in the next couple days, bulls in charge in my opinion.

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  9. UncleBuccs

    OA – I wanted to get involved in IBB on that morning dip, but remembered your words (and Raul’s RCS). Off to visit my folks and then grocery shop. We’ll see how things are shaping up this afternoon.

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  10. kidstock

    Perhaps Mother Market will continue to punish my degenerative nature but I added more FIT calls with some loose change.

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    • kidstock

      Can someone explain what increasing implied volatility means – FIT has moved higher recently and not sure what (if anything) this might imply.

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  11. Hawaiifive0

    OA, Stopped out of FEYE, but wondering if I should take PYPL here or try to see what happens at the 50 day or 34.69?

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  12. Hawaiifive0

    Okay. So you’re still holding?

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  13. k_melancon

    PYPL is a thing of beauty, especially in this tape – hasn’t even had a high volume day yet….

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  14. Bchu

    Man, RC and his Uber bearish bio case is scaring me from holding labu

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  15. Option Addict

    Wow. #timestamp this blog at the low of day.

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  16. Nocturne

    If the short everything switch is not flipped by1:30, pain trade for rest of day is higher.

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  17. Nocturne

    Well, seems like the Algos heard me. 🙂 Oil seems to want to settle at 46.30 ahead of API. Less than 1% above the low. Not a lot of enthusiasm. Would prefer a flush to 44 this afternoon to take a crack at a pre inventory bet.

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