The first hit is always on the house.
Joined Aug 2, 2009
1,847 Blog Posts


Let’s hit the bullet points here:

Speed – none.

USD/JPY – at its September lows.

IBB – Likely going to close at/near $303

Relative strength in momo…(NQ unch)

Oil – so poised.

Semi’s, Transports, FXI, EEM – green.

In the face of some serious disaster out there ($BOFI, $WMT, etc), I’ll admit…I’m impressed. Maybe in denial, but impressed.

In other words…I’ll stay.

The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.
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  1. RaginCajun

    lol. Picture & headline game on point.

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    • UncleBuccs

      Im betting The Fly would be willing to wheel out the guillotine, and help expedite Mr. Jenner’s decision…

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    Because of WMT index funds will more than likely flat-line into the new year unless something miraculous happens.
    Now I’ll have to pick and chose. GPRO into Xmas, miners, we’ll see.

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  3. Jacked Rabbit

    Until I see the one’s and two’s start going, I cannot comprehend committing capital to calls currently.

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  4. Sia

    Do you really think we need speed in order to move lower? Aren’t there markets where we slowly drift lower? I know this happens with individual stocks a lot, not sure if this happens with the overall market.

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  5. Danny Noonan

    Long usdjpy here maybe the fed saves something next week but love the break out

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  6. linmoo

    Would love to hear your opinion on the relative underperformance by $IWM. That concerns me the most here. Lower highs and lows since last June. Some risk assets are participating in the recent rally, but many are still not.

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  7. Joe Smith

    I can follow your logic about staying in and am hoping you are correct. Do you have any longer term investments or if you decide to get out it would be done across all bullish plays?

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  8. purdy

    USD/JPY’s got speed.

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  9. Steve

    Nocturne, nice call on crude. Sold literally seconds before the report;


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    • Nocturne

      TY Steve.

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    • Nocturne

      Also, I was expecting a slight draw on the EIA number at 10:30 due to low imports. It seems API neglects imports. In addition, EIA estimates production whichshouls also drop. Now with this number fr API, at best we’ll get a lower build. Will likely stay short till 2:00 ish when options expire on front month contract.

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  10. Madrugada

    As utterly crazy as it seems (and most of all to me), my models the past few days have pointed to much higher SPY over the next few weeks, comparable with some of the largest, fastest upside moves over the last 5 years. So as of today all my short-term short positions are closed, and I’m long Oct 30 UVXY 20 puts and Oct 30 SPY 210 calls …

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  11. Nocturne

    Gotta laugh. Oil down a less than a percent off that 9 mil barrel build.

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  12. Greenlander

    OA opinions on shorting gold miners, long USD? Looks like we can go higher in equities but comparatively speaking seems like less meat to be had.

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