Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
1,224 Blog Posts

Added To CCJ

I dropped another 5% on CCJ, bringing my cash position to 25%.

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I Smell A Change In The Air

My my my, whatever could it be?

This scent and aroma that fills my nostrils.

This welcome hint so starkly different from the effluvia that’s suffocated me until now.

What is it?

I’ll give you a hint…


Naw, to hell with hints. I’m in a generous mood. I’ll just tell you.

It looks like uranium prices may have finally bottomed.

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I Hope You All Enjoyed Thanksgiving – Sold RGR

While you were all comfortably stuffed, still sleeping in this morning, I awoke bright and early and tip toed softly to the landing and made my way winding up the stairs. At the top, I gently creaked open the door to the 9th floor office and passed inside to get some tasks done before the sun rose.

As the market bells rang, I waited patiently for the pricing I needed. And surely, a low volume morning surge grabbed RGR, sending it higher. I finally sold out at $54.70.

Not a bad 11% gain, for 5 days worth of holding.

I would normally have loved to wait into December for the special dividend to be issued – an extra $4.50 a share would have catapulted my gains to 20% – but why bother? When the market is so accommodating on price right now and the exercise date is so far away, I’ll just take my $4.50 now, plus extra.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays. Enjoy the leftover bird.

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Holiday Smells Wafting Delicately

The Thaler family is coming to my abode this year; ergo footsteps can be heard hustling about, seeing to small tasks to make this house as hospitable as possible.

The Thaler family tree is something of an old willow; low to the ground and spread wide with long branches. My sibling and I have 18 first cousins. There are 13 second cousins at the moment. From 9 families of Aunts and Uncles.

About half of them will be in attendance.

To feed this gathering, we have prepared two turkeys, eight pies, platters of vegetables and fruits, and enough mashed potatoes to fill a used whiskey half barrel.

For all the meat that’s needed to subdue appetites, we tend to experiment with different recipes each year, to keep things interesting.

This year, I will be preparing a turkey with a cinnamon glazing. My sister is making a larger bird with a more traditional, woodsy fennel dressing.

Have a very resplendent Thanksgiving friends.

Please, leave a recipe in the comments and let me know what you are all doing. I always like and appreciate new ideas.

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Explosive Moves In A Sloth Week

I don’t feel much like displaying energy today, so I’ll just muddle through some talking points.

Oil prices are coming in. I don’t know why they ever ran higher. There’s not going to be supply disruption because of Gaza.

It’s unsettling, watching pictures coming out of the warzone. Particularly pictures of these Palestinians dragging that Israeli sympathizer around on the back of a motorcycle; they’re just kids mostly. That’s what that conflict has been reduced to – all the Palestinian men are dead and gone. Their orphans are now waging an endless conflict with no end in sight. Israel won years ago. It’s time to accept that and move on.

I lucked out buying into RGR yesterday. It’s a wonderful Thanksgiving week surprise – immediately after the close, same day, they announce a massive special dividend. Today, it’s soaring. Still deciding if I’ll hold through the December record date or not. Chuck Bennett likes it, so that’s a plus. But, I haven’t done any due diligence on the name. I literally just threw a dart in celebration of a week of feasting.

BAS is asininely undervalued. Ragin Cajun informed me in The PPT that it is now on one of the old lists belonging to the late Alphadawg – contributor extraordinaire from iBankCoin’s early days – predicting an imminent bounce.

BAS has been hammered, but meanwhile natural gas prices continue running higher. They’re a gas services company, that makes no sense. Higher gas prices are going to push more business their way.

CCJ can’t catch a bid, ever… There is little here to tell. If you own this stock, it’s because you believe the supply and demand of uranium are completely out of whack and due for a foundational movement. Otherwise, following fundamentals or technicals, there’s just no point.

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