The Facebook Clusterfuck – Zuckerberg holding “Rah Rah” Meetings


Great article today in the Wall Street Journal – as FB sets new lows day after day with the lockup period expired, founder Mark Zuckerberg is holding daily Rah Rah sessions with employees to raise spirits

Mr. Zuckerberg has long exhorted employees not to pay attention to the stock price, instead pushing them to focus on developing the social network. But in a companywide meeting earlier this month, he conceded that it may be “painful” to watch as investors continue to retreat from Facebook’s stock, according to people familiar with the meeting.

The meeting was part of a new effort over recent weeks to buck up morale.


Mr. Zuckerberg’s turnabout may have steeled employees ahead of Thursday, when some early Facebook investors—but not employees—were able to cash out for the first time since the company’s initial public offering in May.

Facebook shares hit a new low on Thursday, falling 6.3% to $19.87 as more than 271 million shares—or nearly 13% of those outstanding—became eligible for sale.

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