Transports Look like they’re breaking out – Chart






As I mentioned in a post last week, I’ve been watch for the Transports to break out of their base

It looks like it might be happening today.  Note the 50 DMA looks like it’s about to make a golden cross of the 200 DMA. Also MACD has crossed and RSI trending upwards

4 Responses to “Transports Look like they’re breaking out – Chart”

  1. Now that’s what I call chart pron.

    Btw — nice job taking it to ‘the man,” here.

    It’d be kind of ironic if you started accumulating a following of libertarian and conservative comedly club fans, no?

    Good on ya, anyway.

  2. Glad you like the scenery Jake. I’ve been comparing hits of posts with eye candy and without. Eye candy seems to trend better.

    anything to keep the readers happy and clicking is my motto

    I had seen that the Matt Fischer / Progressive story had gone viral – a few other folks I follow picked up on it early as well.

    Fuck Progressive for doing that shit

  3. Sorry, I thought that was your story…

    I must have been confused! 😉


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