AAPL vs GOOG vs MSFT – Infographic


Nice infographic here from the folks at memeburn on the battle for internet supremacy. What always surprises me in these comparisons is that you’re talking about 3 different business models –

AAPL wins hardware which is great as long as you keep customers in that replacement cycle with pads and phones every few years. Their itunes revenues contribute a little, but not much in comparison to valuation.

GOOG rules the search space and hence, the ad dollars. The move to mobile contiues to hurt their revenues, however. Here in KC they’re trying to get into ISP business with Google fiber. That may open up some interesting opportunities down the road

MSFT owns the business world. 90% of all the corporations use MS products from Servers to Office. It’s not a market that’s at risk either, in spite of what salesforce.com (CRM) or Linux (RHAT) users would have you believe. Xbox adds a little to the bottom line, but again it’s just a blip in comparison


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