18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,440 Blog Posts

Fuck You, There’s No Inflation

Bernanke must be smoking crack pipe, worrying about “inflationary pressures” and shit. Things are more expensive “thanks” to global growth, not the “i” word. We, as Americans, martyr ourselves, so that people in India can have 1 1/2 meals per day.

The Chinese have tossed their bicycles to the junkyard, where they will be melted and sold on the open market, and replaced them with BMW’s. Everyone in the world is rich, despite a liquidity “crisis” of epic proportions.

Look at the shares of [[POT]], [[MON]], [[MOS]], [[CF]], [[CMP]] and [[LNN]]. Do the shareholders of those stocks worry about [[LEH]]?

Also, don’t forget about good ol’ [[X]]. That fucker is booking: I said booking, mind you, to $300.

Everything that can be eaten or smelted is to be bought, with impunity, for eternity.

At the end of the day, if a “bag o’ rice” costs you $200, that’s damn fucking good for the rice producer, no?

Or, if gasoline costs $400 per gallon, that’s chockful of good for the oil producer, no?

That’s “global growth” kids. That’s all it is. It’s a few guy making coin, off of a bunch of lazy retards. We’re talking billions of retards (lower-middle class), people. That’s a lot of money to take.

Scavenger economics 101.

Class dismissed.

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Fly Buy: QTWW, DAR

I bought 5,000 [[QTWW]] @ $2.80. And, I bought 1,000 [[DAR]] @ $16.90.

Disclaimer: If you buy QTWW or DAR because of this post, the next time you go on a road trip, you will get 4 flat tires. And, you may lose money.

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All the Money is Gone

You can smell the panic, can’t you? The wagons are circling around [[LEH]] and they are going to be forced to raise capital, in the most egregious dilutive way. I know the banks have been shaking the banana tree for capital. I believe the number is upwards of 125 billion dollars (I do not keep track). To think that they still need capital, after all the money that was raised, is shocking and gay.

Case in point what a little leverage can do to your business: BSC, LTCM. The fact of the matter is, the credit crisis has not gone away. The toxic paper on the banks’ sheets are still toxic, due to a depressed housing market.

Just the other day, I decided to call an old client (old in number of years, not age). He had about 3 million dollars with me and was a pretty sophisticated guy. He was young, rich and lived in a 4 million dollar house.

He was in the real estate development business. He’d build great big houses and sell them for absurd profits. On the side, he was a big time real estate speculator, always looking to flip for a quick profit.

A few years ago, he took all of his money out of the market, due to his struggling real estate business. He thought it was a good idea to sell his stocks and put the money to work “in his business.”

Sadly enough, after speaking with him, I found out he lost everything. He is now in bankruptcy and his 4 million dollar house is in foreclosure.

The moral of the story: don’t ever think it can’t happen to you, because it will.

When managing money, I always plan for the worst case scenario—but hope for the best. This is why, to a large degree, I haven’t been out there, with guns blazing, trying to catch the trade of the day or week. As you know, I have been hedged with short positions, since November of 2007. In my estimation, and I could be wrong, the market will trade much lower, over the next 6 months.

If I’m correct, I will be rewarded with gold rings and large cannisters of ambrosia. Being wrong is not an option, since it never happens for an extended period of time.

See, “The Fly” is like the New York Yankees. He may lose a few games, but at the end of the day, he’s winning the World Series and punching some old guy in the face, with a jelly donut.

Top pick: [[FXP]]

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Go Away in June?

The market closed strong, as the asshole dip buyer put some money to work—late in the day. For a bounce, I bought some [[WB]]. Let’s see if it sticks.

All in all, “The Fly” is becoming increasingly bearish. However, he does have a multitude of long positions that may need to be clipped, in the event of a full fledged market retreat.

I’ve done well with “The Bank of Cocaine” aka [[BAP]]. However, it may be time to take some profits.

It appears the U.K. is starting to “enjoy” a housing crisis of their own. I wonder what the ramifications will be? Perhaps higher equities?

I think not.

For the time being, the energy trade is still intact. Some of my positions include: [[ARD]], [[FTK]], [[NOV]], [[RIG]], [[PCZ]] and [[PZE]]. They all look good.

Expect tough times ahead. If you have bountiful gains, consider taking them, prior to smoking a large cuban cigar, with a large serving of aged Portuguese Port.

In short, “The Fly” is in control of an egregious time machine. Let’s see if the bulls will fight back tomorrow.

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That’s it. It’s (the battle) fucking over. The stench from the banks have, finally, worried enough people to cause a stock slide. Even the energy sector is beginning to sell off, with exception to bullshit energy stocks like [[ROYL]], [[MXC]], [[FPP]], [[SYMX]], [[BDCO]] and a myriad of fucking coal stocks.

During today’s trade, I covered more of my [[FED]] short. It is a slight concern that Barry Rosenstein from Jana Partners keeps buying the stock. He has an excellent track record.

Nonetheless, betting against the banks, whether it’s FED, [[DSL]], [[FHN]], [[CORS]] or others, is still my best and favorite trade.

Just today, I started to short the cowardly cowards from [[COWN]]. It’s a deal house, in an environment where there aren’t any deals.

Bet against them all. My list includes: [[JEF]], [[TWPG]], [[PJC]], COWN, [[EVR]], [[OPY]], [[SMHG]], [[PLCC]] and [[SUSQ]].

In short, the above firms are the bottom of the barrel, when it comes to asset management. They need deals to make money. Without them, they will start to bleed capital, in the most egregious fashion.

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Fly Buy: WB

I bought 3,000 [[WB]] @ $23.05.

Disclaimer: If you buy WB because of this post, “The Constanza trade” will cease to work. And, you may lose money.

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Fly Sell: COWN

I sold short 5,000 [[COWN]] @ $7.85.

Disclaimer: If you sell short COWN because of this post, by next year, your monthly electricity bill will be north of $5,000. And, you may lose money.

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