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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Pollster Pat Caddell on Current Presidential Polls: ‘THIS IS MADNESS’!

Old school pollster, and generally pissed off guy, Pat Caddell, nearly lost his shit in this interview. You could see he was physically upset by the fucking polls, and by the blue pills swallowed to produce such scandalous pieces of fiction. When you take them all together and look at them from afar, it’s crazy nonsense of a scatter brained indolent — and Pat doesn’t like it one bit.

Also, Pat seems to be very fucking angry over the divergence between American dissatisfaction with the status quo, polling heinously against the policies thrusted upon us by Hussein Obama, and the tepid results for the change candidate, D.J. Trump.

The Hillary Clinton documents, by way of the John Podesta email box, curiously is being ignored by a slobbish Americana — who must be preoccupied listening to Trump’s pussy grabbing audio on loop.

That being said, Pat Caddell thinks the polls are being crafted by pole grabbers who are afraid of the orange hue emanating from a certain Donald J. Trump.

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DailyMail Journalist, Katie Hopkins, Lays into CNN Host Over Media Bias

British journalist, Katie Hopkins, told an incorrigible CNN host that she was in for ‘a big surprise’, calling CNN the Clinton News Network to her fucking face! Also, she described the liberal media as ‘sneering’ at the BREXIT and Trump movements.

There is a lot of hatred for the state sponsored media these days.

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Jeff Bezos Tries to Trick People into Shorting His Stock, Posts Earnings Shortfall

Don’t fall for this gambit again. Jeff ‘crazy eyes’ Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, is a man without morals. For about two decades, Jeff had used his super powered website, dubbed Amazon.com, to destroy the U.S. economy and see to it that vast quantities of Americans get fired from their retail jobs. Every so often, he intentionally posts bad results, in order to lull shorts into a false sense of security.

Case in point, the company just said this:

Reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $0.52 per share, $0.30 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus of $0.82; revenues rose 29.0% year/year to $32.71 bln vs the $32.65 bln Capital IQ Consensus; operating income $575 mln vs. $50-650 mln guidance and $670 mln estimates.
NA net sales +26% to $18.9 bln; GAAP operating income 37% to $255 mln
Int’l net sales 28% to $10.6 bln; GAAP OI ($541) mln.

AWS net sales +54.5% to $3.2 bln; GAAP operating income +101% to $861 mln.
Co issues in-line guidance for Q4, sees Q4 revs of $42.0-45.5 bln vs. $44.65 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Operating income is expected to be between $0 and $1.25 billion, below estimates, vs. $1.1 billion in fourth quarter 2015.

In the after hours, AMZN is down $50, or 6.5%, like a jackass moron. Twitter is filled with obituaries, decrying the death of Bezos — tying his fate, ironically, to the orange pussy grabbing clown. But don’t be fooled by this ruse. Neither he or the clown is done yet.

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Stocks Deteriorate into the Close, Led Lower by High Risk Assets

All of the riskiest stocks are getting hammered again. A great man once said ‘show me where I’ll die and I won’t go there.’ Having managed money for nearly two decades, I can tell you, without equivocation, traders die in the riskiest stocks — and it’s always without warning. Things are going great — until you’re being ejected out from the car — through the windshield.

Case in point, IPOs

PTI -32%
ACIA -16%
SNDX -7%
TWLO -6%
EDIT -6%

In spite of the market only down a little, breadth is dreadful at 32% and a sundry of sectors are sharply lower.


How am I playing it?

I have 25% of my holdings in the FIST OF DEATH, short DB, ULTA, LFC, CAT and FCX. Additionally, I am long gold, via GLD, AUY, ABX and AU. Lastly, I am long TLT. The net result is a rather benign day for me. However, I am looking forward to the resumption of the no bid tape — which should provide comfort to those aboard the ark or in the mine.

Cash reserves is at 5%.

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The Largest IPO of 2016, ZTO Express, Plunges in Debut

You can thank the leader underwriters for this disaster. Guess who? Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Who else could it be, really?

This is a courier provider in China, based like an American Greed company in the Cayman’s. Upwards of 77% of their business derives from Alibaba.

Pray tell me, what happens to ZTO should BABA ever decide to buy start its own courier service?



The stock market debut, the biggest by a Chinese company since the $25 billion IPO of e-commerce giant Alibaba in 2014, gave the Shanghai-based company a market value of more than $12 billion.

ZTO priced 72.1 million shares at $19.50 a share, above its previously indicated range of $16.50 to $18.50 a share. That price is about 27 times its expected 2017 earnings per share, according to people familiar with the company’s financials. The company wants to use $720 million of its IPO proceeds to buy more trucks, land, facilities and equipment.

FDX trades at 24x earnings and UPS 19x. Obviously, Wall Street doesn’t think ZTO deserves to trade at a premium to those two companies.

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Morning Joe’s Very Liberal Mika Brzezinski Disgusted by the Clinton Foundation’s Scandals

Again, I find myself fascinated by Mika’s reaction to the Clinton’s, outwardly expressing her disgust with the foundation, particularly their conduct in Haiti, where money was stolen and influence was used to further the Clinton Foundation’s money raising efforts — capitalizing on the tragedies afflicting that country.

Her dad is globalist employee #1, architect of the New World Order with Kissinger, making her reactions all the more interesting.

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Wikileaks: Clinton Campaign Colluded with State Department, ‘Friendlies’ at AP to Cover Up Email Scandal

This is precisely how the deep state is supposed to operate. Its leaders are appointed as defacto autocrats to manage the country on behalf of special interests, a shadow government. Lull the people into a false sense of security by telling them how fucking great George Washington was and how the constitution is so awesome and amazing and how rule of law presides over the land.

Use dwindling wealth to bolster the military and use it as a weapon to both distract populace from issues at home and to spread the empire’s territory.

Lastly, control the narrative by cajoling and pressuring the press to be friendly and/or overtly work for the benefit of the government. Anyone who believes in the deep state  will be labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to be ridiculed and dismissed as unserious.

Clinton camp coordinating with the State Dept and press to suppress email scandal.

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An Epic Rout in Bunds is Underway

The German bund market is in flux right now. From -0.25% on the 10yr, bund yields have raced all the way back to to +0.14%

In the last two days alone, bunds have risen by more than 10bps.

These are huge moves and should be monitored.


This is a positive development for markets and the German economy, in my opinion. But like anything else in the market, when it happens too fast people get hurt. This massive rout in bunds smells like margin calls and forced liquidation. I wouldn’t be surprised to see much of this move given back within the week, so be careful about declaring the bund market dead.

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