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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Jake Tapper Responds to my Donna Brazile Article on Twitter, and All Hell Broke Loose

I was well behaved and merely chided him a little and wished him happy tidings on this Hallowed Eve. I’m in a good mood, so I offered safe quarter.

However, the other pirates on my vessel did not offer him similar accommodations. They haven’t been eating as good as me, apparently. Things got ugly fast.

Here is the Twitter feed. Click in to access.

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Crude Knifed Lower on Harrowing Halloween Session

Ah, Halloween, my favorite holiday. Nothing pleases me more than to see Crude getting knifed on this glorious day. Did I mention I was going to dress up as a moderate Syria rebel today, an ally of the United States? Yes, indeud. I will hand out plenty of candies to the infidel tonight.

Today’s session is uneventful, especially after the Clinton FBI news. Investors are truly out of their fucking minds with complacency. This is an absolute joke. I get the bull case and I understand why stocks go up all the time, rigged or not. But to sit there like a fucking idiot, watching the news flow that might torpedo the Clinton campaign, who Wall Street wants, and do nothing about it is utter madness.

Utilities are leading stocks today.

Oil hammered. Oil stocks, eliminated from the field of play.



Happy Halloween.

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Wikileaks: DNC Head, Donna Brazile, Busted Again for Feeding Clinton Debate Questions in Advance

The last time Donna was confronted by this, she was utterly destroyed on national television.

This time around, she should be placed on the suicided watch, especially after Hillary seizes power. Lord knows she should avoid helicopter rides and heart attacks after walking home from a bar.

Here she is delivering a debate question to camp retard, fucking Bernie Sanders like the jackass moron fool that he is in the process. If Bernie was a proper Brooklyn man, he’d tell Hillary to fuck herself and withdraw his support. But he won’t, because he’s a gimp.



We can thank the freedom hating democracy raper, Jake Tapper from CNN, for this.

UPDATE: Jake defends his honor and refutes his involvement on the Twitter.


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Trick: ABC Tracking Poll Tweaks Methodology to Prevent Trump from Taking Lead

The two way ABC/WAPO tracking poll had Hillary up 12 points last week. Today, the poll shows her up by 2.

These people are morons.

Before you head out to your local DNC party center to celebrate over a few bags of heroin and quinoa salad, just know that the fucking catamites over at ABC deliberately tweaked the poll in order to prevent the great and magnanimous pussy grabbing orange clown from seizing the lead and making Mexico shit in their hats.


This sort of shit should be illegal. But this is America, the land of opportunity to lie and cheat to the top. Had this occurred in Turkey, Erdogan would’ve rounded up the ABC/WAPO motherfuckers and chained them to goats for a period no less than 48 hours, and then executed them.

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CenturyLink Shareholders Revolt After Deal to Acquire $LVLT Announced

Look at the pinless hand grenade action in CTL on news that they’re buy long term piece of shit, LVLT.


CenturyLink of offering $26.50 in cash, the rest stock — valuing LVLT at $66.5. The deal is worth $34b including debt and is utterly ridiculous for CTL shareholders.

CenturyLink operates more than 55 data centers in North America, Europe, and Asia and provides broadband, voice, video, data and managed services over a 250,000 mile fiber network in the United States and a 300,000 mile international network.

The deal comes at a time when business clients of both companies seek more bandwidth and faster networks to move data to run their businesses. The combined company will get 76 percent of its revenue from business customers, according to a statement from the companies.

“Together with Level 3, we will have one of the most robust fiber network and high-speed data services companies in the world,” CenturyLink Chief Executive Glen Post said in a statement.

It’s an end of an era for LVLT. I’ve traded this piece of shit stock numerous times in my career, dating all the way back to the dot com days. I will not miss it.

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GE Bets Big On Crude, Merges Oil Operations with Baker Hughes

After Halliburton failed to close the deal with Baker Hughes for $34b, GE has swooped in to merge their oil operations with the company, forming an oil giant valued at more than $30b. Clearly, Immelt and GE’s management believes oil has bottomed. But it’s worth noting, GE was wrong in the early 2000s on telecom, wrong again on housing in 2007 and probably wrong again here now. Their track record for betting on big trend shifts has been abysmal, which is why the share price has done dick in over a decade plus.


“This transaction creates an industry leader, one that is ideally positioned to grow in any market,” GE Chief Executive Jeff Immelt said in a statement.

“Oil and gas customers demand more productive solutions. This can only be achieved through technical innovation and service execution, the hallmarks of GE and Baker Hughes.”


GE will own 62.5 of the newly formed company. BHI shareholders will get a special dividend of $17.5 after the deal closes.

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Markets Blow Off Clinton Set Back: Peso, Futures Rise in ‘No Fucks Given’ Action

Some of us are just gonna have to get used to Hillary presiding over foreign affairs, becoming the first President of the United States. If she can escape prison for the next 10 days, she’s the smart money favorite to become our next President of these United Steaks. People like me, actively castigating her as a fucking criminal gremlin, will need to seek refuge in Moscow during the next administration. I look forward to eating grotesque bowls of borscht over shots of vodka, with my new Russian oligarch friends.

The peso is storming back, after edging lower this evening. This is likely due to the very powerful and demanding letter of interest from a certain H. Reid, crime boss from Las Vegas.


Futures are climbing in kind, as the fate of western finance is oddly intermingled with Hillary and the condition of the Mexican peso.


Over the past three weeks, I’ve given my all to the political season, digging deep into the mud so that many of you don’t have to. For the sake of posterity, many years from now and America is a smoldering ashtray — my great grandkids might ask “great grandpa, what the fuck did you do to prevent Hillary Clinton from seizing power?” Proudly, I will be able to reply “I took to the internets with great vigor and tenacity. I gave it my all and I exorcized the mountebank drooling fools and cast them out and back into hades, where they belonged to roast and rot in the fires for all of eternity.”

Then I will die.

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Here is Director Comey’s Internal FBI Memo Explaining Why He Informed Congress of New Clinton Investigation

Naturally, he did it because he’s a partisan and is actively working to suppress Trump’s Russian government ties.

Interestingly, our beloved state media at the Washington Post loved Comey after his decision to not indict Clinton. Now, he’s a bomb-throwing democracy hater.

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