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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

HYPOCRISY ALERT: Twitter Verifies Muslim Brotherhood Account

In spite of their alleged position against hate speech, banning right wing satirist like Milo, they’ve verified the Muslim Brotherhood — the very terrorist organization that tried to seize power of Egypt and its leader was sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON and ALSO death, for leading an ‘unlawful organization’ by Egyptian courts.

If you recall, the Obama administration was quite supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here are some facts about the Muslim Brotherhood.

  • In 2011, former FBI director, Robert Mueller, testified before congress — saying the Muslim Brotherhood engaged in International terrorism.
  • In 2013, the government of Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood, labeling them a terrorist organization.
  • In 2013, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt attacked and/or destroyed 70 churches and 1,000 homes and businesses belonging to Coptic Christians.
  • In 2014, Saudi Arabia banned them and said they were a terrorist organization.

They’ve made threats against the Egyptian government, calling for ‘a long, uncompromising jihad.’

And, of course, they’re very anti-Israel.

“The Zionist destruction will only be by an Islamic, Arab plan which rejects peace begging initiative proposed since 2002; rejects normalization measures with the Zionist entity; reviews peace agreements and diplomatic relations with it; rejects foolish negotiations between Zionists and Palestinians which are like negotiations between the lamb and the wolf pack.”

And, as you could expect, they don’t believe in gay rights or persons of islamic faither marrying those of christian.

Mohamed Badie, the Brotherhood’s “supreme guide,” explained that, “The West has allowed gay marriage under the pretext of democracy, which we will never allow in Egypt” (adding that the Brotherhood would also “not allow under the pretext of national unity that a Muslim woman would get married to a Christian man, which violates Islamic law”). Badie elaborated that sharia must take precedence over democratic choice because “it is not permissible for democracy to allow what’s forbidden or forbid what’s allowed, even if the entire nation agreed to it.” Badie was merely reaffirming the Brotherhood’s long expressed position that homosexuality is considered an abomination in Islam and is against “the temper of Egypt.”

But Twitter banned this guy.

Maybe Jack will verify ISIS next.

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Mexico Calls for Talks with Trump to ‘Modernize’ NAFTA

Pray tell me, why didn’t Obama seek to ‘modernize’ NAFTA? When they say modernize, they mean redo the deal so America doesn’t continue to get clown-raped by it. Obama and all of the shills in Washington, republicans included, were very happy with this deal — as it provided their donors with slave labor.

They never cared about American interests — because they’re globalists first.

“We’re at the stage of prioritizing dialogue as the path through which we may able to establish a new agenda for bilateral relations,” Pena Nieto said. “More than talking about renegotiating Nafta, it’s modernizing Nafta. Let’s modernize Nafta so it becomes a more powerful, modern vehicle.”

Let me educate and remind some of the younger readers of the site that billionaire businessman, Ross Perot, warned about NAFTA during Bill Clinton’s Presidential election in 1992. No one listened then. But they are now.

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SORE LOSERS: Facebook Caves into Pressure, Promises to Crack Down on ‘Fake News’ Sites

After all, it was the fake news that won the election for Trump, not the fact that the ‘real news’ from CNN and others directly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the middle east — costing America $6 trillion and counting. It was the fake news that made Americans cast out democratic politicians out of all facets of government — the worst rout since the 1930s — reducing them to the modern version of the whig party — holding just 15 governorships.

Since the mainstream media was unable to fend off the accurate reporting and analysis online, they’ve weaponized the ghettos of the internet (Twitter, Facebook, Google) to censor sites that disagree with their narrative.

Mark Zuckerberg, big donor to the H. Clinton campaign and avid libtard, has updated us on his progress.

“Normally we wouldn’t share specifics about our work in progress, but given the importance of these issues and the amount of interest in this topic, I want to outline some of the projects we already have underway,” Zuckerberg said on Facebook. “We need to be careful not to discourage sharing of opinions or mistakenly restricting accurate content. We do not want to be arbiters of truth ourselves, but instead rely on our community and trusted third parties.”

Facebook is exploring labeling stories that have been reported as false by third parties or the community so people are warned before they read or share them, Zuckerberg said. The company also is working to make it easier for people to report fake news, and improve technical systems to better detect such articles.

Facebook is also turning outside its own organization for help. It will meet with journalists to understand how they verify information, and is exploring partnerships with third-party fact-checking organizations.

Zuckerberg also noted that fake news was becoming a big business, and said Facebook is looking for ways to disrupt the economics of it.

His remarks come just a few days after he said it was “crazy” to think that fake news on Facebook influenced the outcome of the election. He’s also said that more than 99 percent of the stories on Facebook are accurate. But the criticism of his handling of the issue mounted, and by the end of the week, even President Barack Obama was speaking about the negative effect of fake stories on social media.

“Some of these ideas will work well, and some will not,” Zuckerberg wrote. “But I want you to know that we have always taken this seriously, we understand how important the issue is for our community and we are committed to getting this right.”

source: BBG

In other words, Facebook is looking for ways to demonetize websites that publish news stories that third party organizations, most likely of a very liberal persuasion, believe to be ‘fake.’

Related: Zerohedge discussed this in length, regarding a certain ‘third party’ professor who has done the hard, laborious, task of labeling sites fake. Notice how all of the ‘fake news’ sites are suspiciously right wing? It’s also worth noting, the head of Breitbart is a chief advisor to the President of the United States — the exact opposite of ‘fake news’ — having such close proximity to the epicenter of power.


Ron Paul tweeted his own list of ‘fake news’ list.

Lastly, let’s not forget the lessons taught to us by Wikileaks. Here are the news organizations that actively colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign.


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Hamilton Cast Harassed and Aimed to Humiliate Vice President Elect Mike Pence While in Attendance

After prancing about the stage singing and dancing, the cast felt it was incumbent upon them to make VP elect Mike Pence feel as uncomfortable as humanly possible by addressing him, and encouraging audience members to record, a public admonishment of his new administration — by calling them racists.

After all, Mike Pence is white and so is Trump. Ergo, they’re racists.

The left are eating themselves — like rabid cannibals and will never win the Presidency again.

Yes, this is the same, deliciously ironic, Hamilton cast that was assembled using ‘reverse racism’ casting calls — which I suppose is fine — since it’s Broadway and theatre is theatre. But fuck off with your holier than thou attitudes.


UPDATE: Trump responds.


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iBankCoin’s Final Boot Camp of the Year is Here — Hosted by The Option Addict

What a year. As most of you know, I’ve been on siesta for the past year — mainly focused on site content and building out Exodus — expanding the presence of iBankCoin. Jeff, aka Option Addict, has been in the trenches winning for the entire year — sporting dazzling returns that most traders could only dream of accomplishing.

We do these boot camps once per quarter and people really seem to love them. Last quarter was our most popular camp to date and Jeff nailed nearly every single call — with a prophetic quality that very few are able to exhibit.

Here is the schedule and topics up for discussion.

Session 1: A Review of My 2016 Themes and How They’ve Come to Fruition
Session 2: A Trumped Up Market- An Overview of Which Stocks Will Flourish in 2017
Session 3: A Crowded Trade Unwinding: A look at Rates, Safety and Yield.
Session 4: The 2017 Pain Trade: Inflation
Session 5: My 2017 Outlook and Predictions


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A Conspiratorial Theory Worth Positing: Is Julian Assange Dead?

There are dozens of autistic people on both 4Chan and Reddit who believe Julian Assange is dead. They’ve gone through extraordinary lengths to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that both John ‘do you want to have pizza for an hour’ Podesta is a pedophile and Julian Assange is either dead and/or being tortured in a CIA black site.

After all, if he’s still alive, why hasn’t he gone outside onto the terrace of the Ecuadorian embassy to prove that he still exists?

Here in the timeline of events that led to his curious disappearance, courtesy of some fucking retard on 4Chan.

– Apr 16th: John Jones QC, Assange’s U.N. Lawyer dies jumping in front of a train.
– May 11th: Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks’ chief counsel, dies of cancer.
– Jul 10th: Seth Rich, DNC staffer who supposedly leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks, is shot in the back and
dies. Nothing is stolen from his body.
– Aug 5th: Edward Snowden (source of leaks on surveillance by the NSA) tweets 64 bit code (potential dead
man’s switch),
– Aug 10th: Wikileaks offers $20k reward for information on murder of Seth Rich.
– Oct 7th: Podestamails leaks first batch.
– Oct 14th: John Podesta tweets “I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy”.
– Oct 16th/17th: John Kerry visits the UK, personally pressures Equador to stop Assange from publishing
documents about Clinton.
– Oct 16th: Wikileaks tweets SHA-256 prerelease keys.
– Oct 18th: Equadorian Embassy cuts off Assange’s internet access.
– Oct 18th: Pamela Anderson visits Assange and feeds him a vegan sandwich.
– Oct 18th: Witnesses photograph and report heavily armed police and vans outside Equadorian Embassy, are
barred from approaching and have cellphones confiscated. Live feeds are cut off.
Oct 18th: Fox News reports Assange will be arrested in a matter of hours.
– Oct 18th: https://file.wikileaks.org/file made publicly visible, file dates/timestamps changed to 1984
(Orwell reference).
– Oct 18th: London Airport evacuated due to “chemical attack”, potentially used as cover to fly Assange out of country.
Oct 20th: /r/wikileaks, /r/dncleaks, /r/wikileakstaskforce and /r/nsaleaks add 21 new moderators and remove
previous mods, all threads about Assange going missing deleted since.
– Oct 20th/21st: Wikileaks tweets 5 tweets with misspelled words. The incorrect letters spell “HELP HIM”.  The
Wikileaks twitter has never made a spelling error, let alone 5 in two days.
– Oct 21st: Massive DDoS attack on US internet. Wikileaks tweets to imply the attack originates from its supporters, asking them to stop, no evidence supports claim.
– Oct 22nd: Gavin MacFadyen (mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks) dies of lung cancer.
– Oct 23rd: Wikileaks Tweets poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive (he still hasn’t appeared on video or at the window since).
– Oct 24th: Wikileaks Tweets video of Assange and Michael Moore recorded in June.
– Oct 26th: 4chan users successfully decode their first message in Wikileak’s blockchain. Threads
are instantly flooded by shills saying that it’s not worth looking into. The blockchain is blocked with fees  and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.
– Nov 6th: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years.
– Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed
with direct entry.
– Nov 8th: Trump wins.
– Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending,
meeting  conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)
– Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.

For those of you who will say ‘how about that interview he did with RT recently?’

Well now, that’s easily explained via facial recognition software, coupled with the compliance of the Russia friendly RT reporters compliance. To me, this seems like a bit of a stretch. Lots of loose ends there.

And then there’s  this, an anonymous post, claiming to be part of Wikileaks under a gag order — claiming Wikileaks has been compromised and no longer under the command of Assange.


If Wikileaks was compromised, could you imagine the blackmail that could be levied from it, using their brand of transparency and truthfulness to degrade and rot those in the path of nefarious globalist scum?

Put this all to rest, Julian. Give a press conference from the terrace of the embassy and make everyone shut the fuck up already. This is worse than the ‘Elvis is alive’ nonsense that my grandfather used to spew.

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Obama Administration Passing Rules and Regulations Faster Than Hillary Deleted Emails

No wonder the economy can’t grow by more than 2%. These cucks in the Obama administration have weaponized the EPA and other agencies to the point that they’re now foaming from the mouth — racing to place onerous restrictions on the economy. It’s astounding, really, the whole scope of their wanton and craven power hungry depravity.

At federal agencies across Washington, regulators are rushing to finalize rules before President Barack Obama leaves the White House.
Where the administration has issued an average of 2.2 rules per day this year, 10 were pushed out the door on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a count by the American Action Forum.

“We’re running — not walking — through the finish line of President Obama’s presidency,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy said to agency staff in a post-election e-mail.

The Federal Register, the dense tome where the government publishes new agency rules, swelled to 1,465 pages on Friday — the thickest volume yet this year. Since the Nov. 8 election of Donald Trump, who has vowed to fight “radical regulations,” the White House has finished reviews of nine economically significant rules — compared to eight during all of September.

Recent entries in the Federal Register include an Interior Department rule cracking down on methane emissions from oil wells and measures aiming to help highly skilled immigrant workers get green cards. On the horizon: a stream protection rule for coal mining, limits on the use of hydrofluorocarbons, new leak detection requirements for oil wells and quotas for boosting biofuel use in gasoline.

They just cannot help themselves, fucking the coal miner up until the very last day — in spite of the fact that Trump said he would repeal many of their regulations.

Even after new rules are published in the Federal Register, there’s typically a 60-day lag before they go into effect. And while Trump can work in concert with Republicans on Capitol Hill to swiftly repeal rules imposed since late May — and employ a time-consuming administrative process to rewrite older measures — it’s much easier to spike those that haven’t yet gone into effect.

“That ability to put on hold and essentially withdraw rules by the previous administration is much, much more efficient than repealing rules,” said Amit Narang, regulatory policy advocate for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch. “Of course, that’s why it is so critical, because once you have a rule on the books, it’s harder to undo.”

In other words, the Obama administration, at this point, have taken on the mantle of being annoying dicks — a Kafka styled spider web of rules and regulations, under mountains of legalese paperwork designed to tie up the Trump administration in monotonous clerical work. They know what Trump wants to do and they’re purposely making it difficult for his vision for the country to manifest, one that was approved by the voters who elected him on November the 8th.

Environmentalists are embracing that calculus and lobbying the Obama administration to go big and bold by creating national monuments and imposing new air rules.

“We’ve told the White House and Interior Department on everything — whether it’s offshore drilling or national monuments — to be as ambitious as possible.” said Athan Manuel, director of lands protection for the Sierra Club. “Whatever they do, we’re going to have to depend it no matter what they propose, so we might as well ask for the moon.”

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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Actual Fact: Companies that Curse During Conference Calls Outperform All Others

I’ve always known this to be true, as a general rule of thumb. People who are free and open to express themselves with whatever fucking language available to them, especially words of a more profane quality, tend to kick the asses of all others. Now bear in mind, there are plenty of abject losers who curse and sound like idiots — mainly because they lack the certain eloquent panache necessary to make using forbidden words effective. In short, these people are morons and are easily identified inside of 2 minutes flat.

Generally, I don’t trust people who don’t curse. I am uncomfortable around these people and find them to be dullards.

Alas, CNBC did a scientific study, delving into over 100,000 conference calls and have concluded that CEOs who curse more often than others, during conference calls, outperform by 40% over the past decade.

Eat shit, haters.

“The Fly” is a renaissance man of fucking quality.

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