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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


And Mexico is going to pay for it.

Kris Kobach, Secretary of State for the good state of Kansas, met with Donald Trump today — taking with him a 365 day plan for the DHS. It’s widely rumored that Kobach might land as head of Trump’s Homeland Security Department.

In an unbelievable revelation, the documents that he was holding were published by Getty images for the world to see, and confirmed that this good gent possessed godly plans to build a gigantic southern border wall — amongst other wondrous items that I will soon touch upon.



Amongst the things mentioned in his ‘top secret’ document are plans to vet persons who believe in Sharia law. Those fuckers aren’t getting in anymore.

Plans to reduce Syrian refugees to zero. Fuck that shit. Good luck Germany.

All aliens from ‘high risk’ areas will be tracked. Hello Saudi Arabia.

Last but not least, 1,989 miles of wall for ‘rapid build.’

Kobach, who is part of Trump’s transition team is on record saying “There’s no question the wall is going to get built. The only question is how quickly will it get done and who pays for it.”


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After a Fortnight of Trump Winning the Election, Here Are the Biggest Winners

The S&P is up by 8% since election night. Everyone has gone collectively insane — chasing stocks up the chute, not knowing what they might find when they reach the top. From my biased perspective, you’re all gonna find monstrous yetis — who will then savage and eat you whole, reducing your little Robinhood piker accounts in shambles.

Nonetheless, there has been quite a bit of proverbial enjoyment since the Trump victory. Here are some of the highlights, with a very brief explanation for their prospective runs.

FNMA +93% – the federal government will permit this business to live without milking it for every red cent.
KRO +50% – EPA regulations for the chemical industry will be restrained.
CXW +48% – we’re gonna arrest lots of Mexican criminals and will need a place to store them.
RARE +45% – Hillary Clinton has been defeated. Ergo, the pharma industry has been saved!
X +42% – we’re gonna build a giant southern border wall, using lots of America steel.
PLCE +38% – with the defeat of Hillary, John Podesta, and his band of child pedophiles, will be prosecuted. Ergo, the children are safe.
TREX +33% – Trump’s infrastructure plans entails building TREX decks for every American tax paying homeowner. Lower taxes equals more spending.
FOSL +31% – lower taxes equals more spending.
DK +30% – American oil will be respected and encouraged. The refiners will enjoy less regulations and wider WTI-Brent spreads.
FCX +28% – Nonsensical. Apparently, we’re gonna make China great too.
WIX +26% – Everyone is building their own websites, publishing FAKE NEWS.
OZRK +27% – local banks are enjoying a blow out in credit spreads and will be encouraged to lend under Trump.
OAS +23% – Up on hopes of an OPEC cut and subsequent rise in crude.
DV +22% – Trump University for all. The era of online education is upon us.

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Mission failed. This lad is too far off into the ether of libertardism to save. This conversation stems from the decision by the crazed goons at Hampshire college to both burn and ban the American flag on campus — calling it a symbol of oppression and hatred.

A spokesman at the college said that by removing the symbol of evil, the American flag, it would “enable us to instead focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors.”


Tucker faces off with one of the cucks from Hampshire, in an attempt to redpill him back into reality, and out of the matrix of his retarded world.

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Cyber Security Stocks Drop After Bellweather $PANW Issues Revenue Warning

All things considered, the $PANW numbers weren’t all that bad. Revenues rose by 34% and gross margins are at the historical median point. However, they issued a warning for next quarter, taking with it the entirety of the cyber-security sector.

Reports Q1 (Oct) earnings of $0.55 per share, $0.03 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of $0.52; revenues rose 34.0% year/year to $398.1 mln vs the $400.38 mln Capital IQ Consensus.

Billings grew 33% y/y to $516.9 bln (Q2 increased 45% y/y)

Co issues guidance for Q2, sees EPS of $0.61-0.63, excluding non-recurring items, vs. $0.63 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; sees Q2 revs of $426-432 mln vs. $439.28 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate.

Judging by the growth numbers, one might surmise PANW to be a wonderful enterprise, unless of course you bothered to take a gander at its balance sheet and come to the realization that the company is unable to earn a profit.


Taking a cursory view at their balance sheet, it appears the growth of the company is entirely tied and offset by the amount of money spent on sales and marketing. Since 2015, revenues have nearly doubled, and so have expenses in sales and marketing! How delightful.


Valuation wise, PANW is absurdly expensive at 11x sales — especially when compared to their peers, like CHKP (8x), SYMC (5x), VRSN (8x) and the clown of the sector, FEYE at 3x.

Shares are plummeting in an after-hours bloodfest.


Other stocks in the sector, down in sympathy, include FEYE (-2%), SPLK (-1.75%), FTNT (-2.1%), CYBR (-1.1%) and PFPT (-4.5%).

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Trump Excoriates Media in Off the Record Dressing Down

In classic Trumponion fashion, the media was invited to visit with the President elect for an off the record meeting, believing they were to be fed finger cucumber sandwiches and decadent ceasar salads trimmed with quail eggs, in addition to gaining access to the President-elect. Instead, they were summarily destroyed and scolded for being a discordant band of globalist whores, promoting a perverting brand of agitprop to an otherwise very alert and very pissed off American public.

Source: NY Post

Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.

“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.

“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.

“Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”

The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.

The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,

Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.

Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, plans to meet with Trump Tuesday.

There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.

America is literally on the verge of becoming great again — starting with the purging of the corrupt and deceitful media.

Here’s a recent tweet by Trump’s spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway, which pretty much sums up the agenda of the mercenary media.

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Is BREXIT, Trump and the End of the EU Even Remotely Priced into Markets?

f the globalists lose France to Le Pen and she opts for a referendum to exit the EU, they can kiss their Soviet styled EU bloc goodbye. Germany will then need to explore alternative methods to conquer Europe for the third time over the past century.

One of the tools of the left to discredit ideologies or people that don’t mesh with their distorted way of thinking is to label them as ‘racists’, ‘anti-Semitic’ or even ‘conspiracy theorists.’ During the recent Presidential elections in the U.S., the left, spearheaded by their agents in the press, utilized all of these tools, in a flaccid attempt to discredit Donald Trump. They failed, miserably — because the spirit of nationalism and the cries for free and fair markets were stirring inside of the non-elite. After decades of docile compliance, thanks to the failed policies that have resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind, from west to east, people are keenly aware of the unharmonious and ignoble canticle of lies — streaming out of the mouths of the empty vessels (extra John Harwood) doing the bidding for the global elite — are nothing more than shackles, a cantankerous obstacle in the way of the pursuit of happiness.

Le Pen might not be perfect; but, she’s an agent of change. And that’s why she’s crushing her competitors in recent polls.

Typical of Wall Street, none of this is being priced in, not BREXIT, not Trump and certainly not the definitive end of the EU. With markets at all time highs, wistfully edging higher on a daily basis on the absurd prospect of runaway inflation, extreme downside risk beckons — just around the bend.

Here’s Le Pen in a CNBC interview today, discussing the farce that is multiculturalism.

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The Clownery of the Shippers Continues, as $DRYS and Others Get Annihilated

There was never a reason for these bastards to run higher in the first place, given that there are hordes of zombie dry bulkers littering the seas keeping day rates at artificially depressed levels. The only way this issue gets corrected, frankly, is for excess supply to be scrapped. Until then, enjoy your depressed day rates and floating bankruptcy vessels.

The sector looked good in the pre-market, but have since given it all up and more.


Day rates for capesizes are at a fraction of what they were back in 2007 and half of what they were in 2014.


At the forefront of this fuckery is $DRYS, a company that saw its stock rise this morning after news that it agreed to terms with one of its lenders.


Like I said, clownery.

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British Pound Soars After Theresa May Softens Her Stance on BREXIT…Again

In what can only be described as a pattern, Theresa May softened her stance on BREXIT today, in her strongest rhetoric to date — clearly shilling for the British business lobby who’d rather be caught dead in a gay brothel than have to endure the pangs of BREXIT.

Asked about business calls for a transitional deal, she said: “We want to get the arrangement that is going to work best for the UK and the arrangement that is going to work best for business in the UK.”

“I am conscious that there will be issues that need to be looked at … that people don’t want a cliff edge, they want to know with some certainty how things are going to go forward, that will be part of the work that we do in terms of the negotiation.”

Her spokeswoman later said: “There are a whole range of issues that are being worked through as we prepare for the negotiations, with a focus of looking at how we get the best deal for the UK.”

As such, the pound is ripping to the upside, now higher by a little more than 1.2%.


BREXIT means BREXIT, until it doesn’t.

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Goldman Sees a Massive Spike in Share Buybacks Should Trump’s Repatriation Tax Holiday Come to Fruition

We’re literally on the precipice of making America great again and even long term bearshitting strategist from Goldman, David Kostin, knows it.

He’s using the Bush repatriation holiday of 2004 as a reference point, when share buybacks surged 84% to $300b effectively marking the market’s bottom, suggesting that this repatriation holiday could do similar wonders — boosting buybacks by 30%.

Goldman writes:

“A significant portion of returning funds will be directed to buybacks based on the pattern of the tax holiday in 2004,” the team, led by Chief U.S. Equity Strategist David Kostin, write. They estimate that $150 billion (or 20 percent of total buybacks) will be driven by repatriated overseas cash. They predict buybacks 30 percent higher than last year, compared to just 5 percent higher without the repatriation impact.

Morgan Stanley offers a wet towel on an otherwise hot topic.

“The often cited $2.5 trillion statistic [of cash for repatriation] represents accumulated foreign earnings that companies have declared permanently reinvested abroad for GAAP accounting purposes,” they write. “We estimate that only 40 percent of this amount, or roughly $1 trillion, is available in the form of cash and marketable securities. Thus, the other $1.5 trillion has been reinvested to support foreign operations and exists in the form of other operating assets, such as inventory, property, equipment, intangibles and goodwill.” The note did not provide more detail on how much of that available cash the analysts expect to be used for buying back stock.

Either way, there’s no denying that financial engineering is what keeps this fucker of a market ripping to new highs. Having another 2.5t at the disposal of the market riggers might do great things for the indices — paving the way for a most hedonistic and elaborately ornate market wonderstorm.

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$DRYS Comes to Terms with Lending Bank, Stock Surges

If you bought DRYS last week near the top, today’s movie is meaningless horseshit to you. You’re, indelibly, in a post apocalyptic haze — walking about a dystopian landscape with your guts dragging beneath your feet on a hard, cold ground.

But if you bought on Friday, this is good news. DRYS cut a deal with a bank and the stock is surging.


DryShips announces an agreement with one of its lenders to settle outstanding loan obligations

The lending bank has agreed to a write-off of ~50% of the outstanding principal and interest due. The co has repaid ~$8.2 mln of principal and will have to pay an additional amount of $2.0 mln over the next 9 months against a full and final settlement of all of its obligations under the credit documents.

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