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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Look At How Much Better I Am — Richer Than You

I had a grande day today. It wasn’t supposed to be this good; but then again, the rich are always entreated to afternoon delights. I was in my study toiling away doing Capstone after Capstone conferences, and then all of my stocks went higher, almost in unison. While this was transpiring, Joe Blow was getting his brains frozen in Chicago, trying to buy a pair of mittens at the local bodega.

Here in Princeton, NJ, I was comforted by a pleasant glowing fire and the subtle sounds of old oak creaking throughout my expansive home. All of the rugs tidy and ornately designed, perfectly matching my imported furniture and blending in beautifully with the neutral colored walls racing throughout the house, skipped over every 20 feet or so by thickly gilded picture frames around oil paintings. If you get close enough, you can sometimes smell the oil, or perhaps imagine it.

I even bought a rather low brow CBD-Coffee company today, for only 5 or 6 cents. It was something given to me by a member of Exodus and I cannot share it with you — because it’s for members only.

Ah, the feeling of triumph after a short and easy fought battle. Some of us were chosen to win and others to rot away, salting the earth with our refuse. “The Fly” is a genetically superior being, gifted and blessed with the smarts of a scientist — personality of a celebrated entertainer.

My three biggest winners today were APHA, JVA, DTEA, and of course NUGT — a 10% position of mine. I am quite affable while offering you my insight and generous, charitable even. I am the nicest person that I know — and that’s because I have nothing to worry about, no trials or tribulations, no hard fought battles, nothing but steak dinners and well crafted cocktails — friends and laughter — a buoyancy in the quality of my life that can only be expressed through the grande and loquacious missives of the vainglorious Fly.

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Cannabis Stocks Break Out Again — Nothing Can Go Wrong

Under no circumstances can I lose money in the pastiche of pot stocks I find myself now.

Presently, I am long APHA, TLRY, JVA and DTEA — the last two being my aggressive lotto styled picks. If I didn’t have so much exposure already, I’d be buying PYX here with animalistic fervor.

Doctors are assholes. All you need to do is smoke pot, or ingest some brownies laced heavily with THC, and enjoy the duration of your lives listening to yellow jazz music and drinking bright martinis. There isn’t a single thing cannabis can’t cure. From the flu to small dick syndrome, CBD oil is the elixir you deserve.

One of the great side addendums to being an avid user of indica is the additive bonus of delusion and whitened prospects about the future. Gone are the days of gray and gloomy government malfeasance. In are the days of purple clouds and vibrant green fields, eloquently graced with nature’s design of pink flowers and ancient chestnut trees to provide shade and sustenance. I cannot think of a single thing that can go wrong here, barreling in swiftly and with confidence, pot stocks, conducting business thru various means — supplying the people with the sleep tonic they need to help maintain a happy and fat existence.

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Markets Don’t Give a Shit About Your Feelings

We’re nothing more than the sum total of our experiences, the things we’re privy to and the ideas that are conjured, based off our inputs. It is, by definition, limiting. The market, on the other hand, encompasses all human knowledge, in a never-ending pricing mechanism that condenses all thinking into a singular composite.

Your ideas and your plans made sense, up until the point when the market disagreed. You cannot fight the trend and it’s foolish to entrench yourself in bad trades. Whatever ideas you had, shelve them, and join the sheep. That’s where the food is to be found. You’ll thank me for this advice for the balance of your lives.

I sold two underperforming stocks now — because if a stock isn’t rallying today — it’s a dog. Out with TME and UXIN for 5.5% losses.

On the buy side, I bought SONO, HUYA, and YEXT — all 5% positions. Current cash position is 0%.

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Adding a Little Something to My Bulled Up Portfolio

I’m trying my hand at TLRY again — long the pot smoking fools of Canada and America. Also, I sold SEND for +7%.

This is a beautiful market and nothing can stop it. I have only 5% cash and I am swimming in gains today. I might allocate the last morsel of my cash into something magnanimous. Stay tuned.

As always, trades are first alerted and discussed in Exodus.

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No Deal on China-US Trade Riff — Tech Stocks Set To Rise Nonetheless

A CNBC reporter just tweeted out Trump might meet with President Xi in late February to iron out their fucking differences and perhaps ink a new trade deal. I have a strong mind that ignores this sort of poppycock as exactly that — unfettered rhetoric designed to lull plebs into a thick sleep with extra sauce.

No thank you — fuck you very much. You don’t have a deal, Mr. President. And because you don’t have a deal, you delay and tell people you’ll need to meet with Xi in February, in order to mash out the finer details — because you and only you are capable of grasping the intricacies of global trade between two massive economies. All of your trained economists are god damned morons, incapable of finalizing a trade deal. We’re so fortunate, in this regard, to have you there at the mast, negotiating on our behalf.

Nonetheless, stocks are likely to rise today. We are seeing a divergence between the Dow and Nasdaq — but I don’t think it’ll last long. People are cold and angry. America is being punished by the Gods through inclement weather — because we are an evil sort of malcontent. We have nothing better to do than buy stocks and increase our insatiable appetites for greed. We’re all fat chocolate pie eating slobs, shimmying throughout life with giant asses and false noses. Disgusting, really.

Gold and silver are through the roof this morning. That is the single best asset class right now.

Top pick: NUGT

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This is the perfect sort of post you send to a friend and laugh at the author for being such a fucking idiot, as to buy in “at the top.” This, of course, is predicated upon the idea that said author, is in fact an imbecile without a specific skillset of banking coin in market. One might surmise a recency bias in the authors trades and conclude a pervasive and infallible trend, when in fact, over a long time frame, this is counter-reality and not a good indicator at all.

What I am getting at, in no uncertain terms, is this:

Bet against “The Fly”, lose your house, kids, cars, job etc. Your whole shit will get wrecked.

I bought the following:


Largest holding is NUGT. Riskest plays: DTEA, JVA, APHA.

It’s a lot to accept and I’m more than okay for you to fade this call. Truth is, life is a series of pre-meditated gambles. Might as well move like a bitch on the pussies who can’t hold their butter.

Shorts have been annihilated. I expect another BIG WHITE CANDLE on the Nasdaq tomorrow.

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The Fed is the Market’s Bitch

Pray tell me, isn’t it the job of the Fed to see stocks trading higher? Let’s not stand on sentiment here and pretend the Fed is supposed to ignore stocks. The job of the Fed, listen to me, is to see stocks higher.

This gent disagrees.

But no one gives a shit what he thinks.

I’ll buy stocks after 3:30. Gonna wait for the sugar high to wane.

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Fly Buy: $APHA

Okay, I realize I am buying when I said before I’d wait until after the Fed. Fuck off. PYX and other pot stocks are lifting off. I want my share of the smoke. Pass those gains over here son — and let me smoke it up.

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The New FAGbox is the Same as the Old FAGbox

No offense to gentlemen gay guys of course. You’re just as depraved and obtuse as the average straight guy, sloppily sashaying throughout life with nothing more than cock and balls on his mind.

I’m not trading today — because it is Fed day and I am very afraid of buying into intra-day rallies that can swiftly reverse lower on news that the dot plot is, once again, a go.

Bear witness to the present trading range and know that it is typical and almost a mirror image of what occurred several months ago. Only this time, we threaten, menace even, to break higher — supported by crude.


This area of chop is where most people get mangled and killed. It’s never pleasant, nor easy, to trade inside of it. If you’re a PM, this is a wonderful time to build positions and accumulate shares, with an upside bias. Naturally this could all turn to shit and we can be having a totally different discussion if Powell ruins this soiree. My natural bias is to be skeptical of buying in after a 10% lift. I do believe we’re due for a correction. But I’m open to anything and have no issues being 100% bullish, providing prices continue higher.

Listen to me you fucking imbeciles. If the prices are going higher, you should be long.

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If Your Thermostat is Negative Degrees, God Hates You

Humans cannot survive in -50 weather. Agreed? You can’t plant crops, run outside with your dick out procreating — can’t do shit. Agreed? With that logic, assuming there is some mythical being “in the sky” who somehow created the fucking universe, one must deduce that if he is bombing you with frozen thermostats now — he hates you.

Plain and simple.

Look at the places God is punishing today.

All of those places are shitty areas in the country to live, let alone attempt to raise a family. If, by chance, you live in Chicago — not only do you have to deal with thugs mugging you for your Canada Goose jackets now and a murder rate that would make the devil proud — but now you have inclement weather that belongs in the fucking North Pole for the penguins.

Simply put, the midwest isn’t a very strategic or important area of the country. It is filled with mountebanks — men and women who escaped the east coast because they were poor, on the run from the law, or too dumb or lazy to make it all the way to California.

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