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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Position Updates: XFML

The numbers were excellent. This stock is definitely over looked, when it comes to playing Chinese lotto.

I understand the management of XFML will be traveling to NYC for investor conferences.

Unlike MVIS, I expect getting the XFML story out will have a profound effect on the share price.

What’s sad about MVIS is that it has become the fat bitch at the end of the bar. It’s a joke.


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(Chinese) Lotto Time

As predicted, it looks like a “v-shaped recovery” leeches.

Also, I’ve noticed many of you cow fuckers have made several snark comments, such as “hey, dude, your website blows” or “ha, ha, ha, your stocks are down.”

Fuck you.

Don’t compare yourself with me. If I lost money on a trade or two, it was done on purpose, in order to make this shit a little harder for me.

In short, I’m “King Kong Master Trader,” while you’re just that stupid blonde bitch.

Don’t do it.

Finally, thanks to the wonderful communists from China, we have “lotto time,” again.

With stocks set to “de-ball” American bears today, I expect to see many lottery tickets purchased, effectively killing those who bought FXP (trojan horse).

Today’s predicted Chinese lotto winners are:


Thank you for playing.

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Mess With the Bull; You Get the Horns

This was good. “The Fly” was a very happy camper, despite never going camping, as all of his positions, with the exception of MVIS, shot the bears–then rolled on them.

I know the bears will try to make the “hedge funds will sell due to redemptions” argument, but it holds little water.

Days like today serve as lessons to never sell short, into extreme weakness.

It’s easy to make the bear argument, discount stocks for dead, and be a miserable fuck.

It’s hard to buy VMW down 11, knowing that shit will sprint higher, as soon as investors grab their marbles.

Barring “another big shoe to drop,” I think the bottom is in; feel free to get drunk and start buying stocks again.

Starting tomorrow, my buy list includes VMI, BWLD, CLX, CN, FMCN, VMW and CFC.

Yes, CFC.

In short, it’s good to see green again, much to the shorts chagrin.

NOTE: XFML‘s numbers look good, thus far.

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Fuck You Shorts; You’re Dead

I’m going to play devils advocate for a “v-shaped recovery,” albeit only on the internets.

Look you, the short interest ratio’s are through the roof. Everyone from NYC to Kalamazoo is buying inverse ETF’s, hoping for swift, yet certain, armageddon.

Let’s consider a few things:

-Banks will likely write off whatever they can, from now until 12/31/07, in order to preserve their PE ratio’s for 2008, if possible.

-Many stocks are way oversold and are due for a bounce.

-Greasy turkey leg day is near, typically a great time to be long.

-For the most part, the economy is doing well.

In short, there is a very good chance we will never go below 13,000 DOW, ever– providing the bulls man up and put the hot blade to the shorts.

As you already know, “The Fly” is not calling for a “v-shaped recovery” yet. However, it’s worth mentioning, betting against highly caffeinated, well tanned, bulls has been of heck of a bad bet, consistently, over the past 5 years.

NOTE: With oil tanking, stocks have a catalyst to run, especially retail.

NOTE II: I feel tomorrow is a key day for the near term direction of the market. Should the bulls mount another rally, the shorts are indeed dead.

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Kill The Bear-Shitters!

For some reason they (bearshitters) think they will get away with this shit. You know, the “fuck the bulls during Thanksgiving” routine, via short sales.

While it’s true, our wonderful bankers gave them something to chew on; the market is still cheap–historically.

Like I said before, the best way to play this bounce is through the beaten down winners.

Having a touch of the “battered wife syndrome,” “The Fly” will excuse himself from any further dip buying. Instead, he will look to take some stock off the table, when appropriate, in order to preserve mental health.

However, if I were in cash, I’d buy VMI, GRMN, LZ, BWLD, GLF, CN, FMCN, RS and RIMM with both hands.

Additionally, it’s worth noting, what’s good for WMT should bode well for TGT. I think that fucker is cheap here.

I’ll have you know, TGT is a core position of Mrs. Fly.

Finally, understand that this is merely a relief rally and does not mean we will mud stomp the bears–from now until turkey day.

All I’m saying is: “kill the bear-shitters,” if only for one day.

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