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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Cash is For Idiots

It appears the market may skip over the boring and cumbersome “consolidation” phase and go straight up again. If you go with the concept that “it’s all a conspiracy” and “mutual fund madness STARTS NOT,” it’s easy to understand why we are melting higher. Year to date, the dollar is up and our markets are outperforming. That’s right, the U.S. markets are doing better than most foreign markets and our dollar hasn’t cratered. Naturally, it’s only a matter of time before the dollar really nosedives. However, as of now, the dollar has been a non-event for 2010.

Having said that, from an investors stand-point, it makes little sense to hold a lot of cash here, ahead of “window dressing” season. Fund managers need to own stocks and they need to own them now. Hence, the race to position correctly should be your priority.

Bottom line: I will likely put a lot of cash back to work today. Ebb and flow with the emotions of the market: that’s what I do.

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Fuck Twitter; Long Live StockTwits

Aside from the iBankCoin team, my only real internet allies are the good folks over at Stocktwits.com. Howard Lindzon (“The Lindzon Lifestyle”) and Phil (Dr. Evil) Pearlman have always been honest and trustworthy with me, one more than the other (just a little). They are good peeps and deserve all of the money in the world (except my own), AND MORE. Although, I do take exception to Howard’s taste in fine fare, as he regularly frequents low end pizzerias for food and “grub.”  However, being the kind and understanding person that I am, I look past his grotesque habits and chalk it up to a “rough childhood.” At any rate, this post is not about my superior taste in food or shoes, but StockTwits’ monster win.

We all love to hate the Yhoo message boards; but it is the crown jewel of finance on the web. Let’s face it. STARTING NOW, fuckface, StockTwits stream will be featured on  Yhoo Finance stock pages, under “Market Pulse.” How sick is that?

First, let me start by saying, the Stocktwits iphone app is a must have,  just like the iBankCoin app. However, if you own a bullshit blog, this is a game changer for you. Because Yhoo is using StockTwits’ api, rendering Twitter retarded, as it no longer makes sense to post on Twitter, with a little “$” linking it to StockTwits.

Why? Stick around for exactly 3.5 more seconds and I will tell you.

Answer: Because it won’t show up in the Market Pulse stream, you imbecile.

In summary, StockTwits is on the verge of breaking out to the upside. If only I owned some stock. Oh shit, I fucking do (“The Fly” wins again) own stock!  Moreover, if you want to be heard by the growing StockTwits crowd and mammoth Yhoo Finance population, especially you third rate bloggers, you will need to start posting directly onto the StockTwits feed, STARTING NOW.

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It’s All a Conspiracy

The Wikileaks guy is now in Wikigaol. The Federal Reserve is losing lots of coin, as rates spiral higher. At the same time, munis, specifically California, are getting smashed again. Inside of The PPT, I keep an index called Risk Appetite, which serves to gauge the appetite for risk, worldwide, via exchange traded ETF’s. Needless to say, the chart looks grim. The cost of borrowing is on the rise (see TLT) and The Bearded Clam needs to fix that shit, ASAP. As a tax paying American, I demand upward surges in my equities, at all times and forever.

You do not need to compare yourself to me. Hell, you do not need to read this fucking blog, yet you do. Do you know why? Because you are attracted to greatness, which is what “The Fly” represents here daily. I warned you to raise cash earlier today; but you chose to listen to some ham and egger on twitter instead. Look, the stock market is not done going higher. However, we are long overdue a correction to the tune of 5%. I predict oil will retrace to the low $80’s, before spring-boarding higher, effectively water-boarding shorts.

Into this misery, I bulked up on my SCO position.

UPDATE: I sold out of Q, raising cash position to 42%

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCJ5XYi4rdU&feature=more_related 616 500]

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Mathematically, It’s Time to Unwind

If you are similar to me (none of you are like me), you have big dicked gains and have an IQ over 150. Such a person, like myself, would start to unwind some of his positions going into the second half of December. Granted, it’s just the beginning of December and I have a 35% cash position. But, there’s a method to my madness.

I endeavor to buy ALL DIPS. However, I cannot buy dips without cash. Do you see the rub? I demand answers and I repeat: Do you see the rub?

I like HERO and PWAV here, bur cannot buy any. I am bounded by my methods, for they keep me disciplined. Believe me, there is no greater feeling than participating in a rabid, foam-mouthed melt-up. Furthermore, there is no greater pain than missing out on such a run. However, there comes a time when you must scale back a bit, especially when you’re having too much fun. Judging by the 8 fold increase in my personal accounts, I’d say my fun is excessive and belligerent.

Go eat pretzels and kick old people in the chest. While you’re at it, be sure to raise a little cash, so that you can nibble on dips, like a large rat stuck in a sugar cone.

As for me, I hedged my personal with SCO and “cashed up” for clients. With 50% year to date gains and a time machine at my disposal, I am well positioned to outstrip you for the foreseeable future.

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Fly Buy: SCO

I bought 10,000 SCO @ $10.64.

Disclaimer: If you try to drive my space rocket, you will crash into the Sun. And, you may lose money.

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Super Inflation!

Forget about hyper-inflation. That term is old, just like your bullshit car. America has invented a new form of monetary policy, one that produces an awesome byproduct: Super Inflation.

Super inflation makes everything good, providing you are rich and can afford a $100 tomato. The more debt the better, sort of like how my personal aggressive account is structured, 200% long to the tits. Should Spain wash away: GOOD NEWS. How about Italy? EVEN BETTER. The market is not going up on fundies, which chagrined me for a few months. Remember, I piss on your charts. However, I must call it like I see it and this market is totally ignoring the fundies, which is why I digitized your bullshit charts inside of The PPT. That’s right, I can find perfect set-ups in like .00001 seconds, while you fish through charts like a fucking imbecile.

At the end of the day, “The Fly” is the Patriots and you’re the Jets. I have many ways to win, specific to the stock market. I am built for this, as midgets are built to be shot from large cannons.

Celebrate Super Inflation, gentlemen, for it is the savior of this great nation.

UPDATE: I sold out of KBH, most of CIEN and half of CLF—upping my cash position to 35%.

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No matter how hard you try, your wins can never be as sweet as mine. My wins are like the nectar from a an heirloom pear tree, while yours is from some African stone cactus. As I write this, I am up more than 2%. I’ve positioned myself aggressively, front running asshole fund managers who need to get long. I do not make this stuff up, as it is all real as heart attacks and synthetic butter.

My personal aggressive accounts are up so much, you cannot handle the news. If I told you, I’d shame you into a deep depression. I will spare you the indignities. Consider it a “Christmas Come Early” from yours truly.

I am long vast amounts of CLF, EXK, REXX, CIEN, CCJ and Q. In addition to that, I have other shit going on, all to do with aggressive coin banking operations, well seen inside of The PPT and 12631.

I am cutting my day short, as I have a mammoth LED-LCD television to buy.

UPDATE: Before I left, I snapped up some SHLD.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BDzbKqjW7o 616 500]

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Fly Buy: GMO

I bought 10,000 GMO.

Disclaimer: I’m full of all sorts of surprises today. Follow my lead and lose your head to a stray artillery shell.

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My disdain for civilization was renewed this morning. It was not a big event. Actually, it was nothing at all. It was something ever so subtle that triggered a chemical reaction in my brain, causing me to hate all of you, as well as others, once again. Do not be offended by my hatred, for it is distributed in equal parts to all races and religions. In general, people are dumb animals, motivated by greed, gluttony and pride. For the most part, you are all primitive creatures, deviants of the first order.

I see precious metals are shooting higher this morning. based upon the future prospects of the dollar. I get the whole “fuck the dollar” policy. It makes our goods and real estate attractive to foreign buyers. If the dollar continues to drop, expect a sharp increase in coastal real estate values. It’s probably a good idea to buy real estate now, providing you can get good terms. You really can’t lever up anymore. If you want to buy, you will likely need to fork up 20% for a down payment.

Two deals worth mentioning this morning: RDWR and VRGY. Once again, if you are a corporation holding billions in cash, it makes no sense keeping money locked in treasuries. Look at SCMR. Those fuckers have been holding onto their cash since the dot com bubble. It’s a fascinating story, really—a relic of the dot com excess. They did a secondary when the stock was like $300 and never spent the money. Fast forward many years and the company is doing like 100mill per annum in revenue, with over $1billion in cash tucked away in the bank. For years, they simply collected interest on their treasury holdings. However, they just paid out a special divvy of $6.50. Why? Answer: treasuries are risky.

I’m not sure what the market will do today, following such a big run. The PPT is OVERBOUGHT again and we could pull back for a day or two. However, rest assured, mutual fund managers are clamoring to punch you in the face with Portuguese dinner plates. If you short this market, you are destined to taste porcelain.

Top picks: EXK, REXX

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