18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Stocks under $10b in market cap are down 0.4% today. Stocks over $10b in cap are down 0.1%.

Year to date, all stocks are down about 4% in spite of the fact that the NASDAQ is +18%. How could this be? Well, look at $TSLA today, higher by 9% in an otherwise unremarkable tape. The tape has been unremarkable for some time now, yet shares of $NVDA are +500% in the past 3 years, $LLY +285%, $AVGO +250%, $NVO +237%, and old $MCK is +200%.

If you’re trying to find those sort of gains in the smaller capped space, you’ll need to be really lucky and good.

My point is, you didn’t have to be clever or good to catch $NVDA, $TSLA or $LLY. You simply had to accept the doctrine that oligarchies and giant monopolies are what rules dominion over the west now. There is a unholy alliance between the soulless corporate world and the political one whose sole purpose is to distort and blemish the historical make up of America and the west, replacing it with a bastardized version of capitalism that only favors members of the club.

The Pax Americana you grew up in no longer exists. It was eden in comparison to what we have today, a depressed society of grifters and consumers, exchanging meaningless commerce with one another in a never ending race towards peak materialism. Everything has been commoditized and nothing is artful or sacred anymore, through the prism of Godless leftists whose #1 goal is to destroy the strong and the beautiful and replace it with weakness and depravity.

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