18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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June 2024 is in the Books

I’ve been trading and writing as if everything were normal but I’ve felt really terrible all week, losing a friend to cancer. We were in touch often and I’d try to encourage him with videos via Instagram (my last video to him), and of course he’d participate in the juvenile banter inside Stocklabs. Like many of the people I enjoy spending my time with, they start off as my customers. In this regard, I am blessed.

A lot of people are downcast about the country and the direction it is taking. That’s the macro and I do not deny it. But the micro is filled with anecdotal acts of kindness. In spite of being a person seemingly teeming with rage, I often find myself in awe of the greatness of the people around me. I do believe people instinctively want to do good, at least most people, and life gets in the way of ruining it. People are also prone to sin and bad behavior compounds over time to exponential levels until reversion occurs.

I can take this blog in several different directions now, as I write with a stream of conscious. I’d like to keep it optimistic and point towards some of the better things to celebrate, such as my account closing near RECOURD highs. I bet you catamites thought I was finished and could not do it again, but I did.

I closed June up nearly 2%. Markets did better but most managers I know did worse. As a point in fact, my quant was hammered to dust for 5.7%; and I must admit, that took me by surprise. We seem to be undergoing a bit of rotation or pausing before legging up again.

Either way, markets tend to almost always trade up in July, so don’t expect much else.

Cheers to a great weekend and continuing to enjoy the best qualities of life.

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  1. The Other Good Doctor
    The Other Good Doctor

    I like new Magnanimous Fly…edged with a tinge of rage and disgust at humanities baser instincts

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  2. The Other Good Doctor
    The Other Good Doctor


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  3. flea

    I was going to suggest you set a modest goal of 2-3% for July based on history, and then I realized 2% PER MONTH is not modest at all. Congrats on June – we see it was a struggle … like a baseball player getting out of a slump.

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