18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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I was so happy after the close last night when $LUNR jimmied higher by 5% in the early after hours session. I went online into Stocklabs and talked shit, boasted about my psychic powers and then told everyone to fuck off. I thought I was the shit.

Then by the time I went to the gym, the stock went back to flat. But that then, $BTC was going up and I had some $CIFR to assuage me and I felt really good about it.

Fast forward to today — futures MCPLUNGED lower and $LUNR cascaded at the open down as much as 10%. Irate about the whole ordeal and how I didn’t even believe we went to the moon anyway, I waited for a small uptick to -7.5% and then sold.

Shortly thereafter the stock rocketed to green and now it just sits there with its stupid face mocking me.

Instead of racing to the moon and popping champagne corks into the faces of friends and family, I’m bogged down for 60bps. I made a brief foray into the down 20s but really it just seems I’m doomed for a little pulling back. In the big scheme of things, these things happen.

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