18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,441 Blog Posts

Coinbase Shenanigans; Closing Out the Month in Style

What exactly happened at Coinbase this afternoon? All of a sudden, as $BTC crested above $64,000 — the entire platform went offline — showing ZERO balances for customers. When things got “back to normal”, the coin tumbled to under $60,000.

Naturally, I am suspicious of this — especially since living through the Robinhood-Gamestop debacle — where the broker at the behest of Citadel REMOVED the fucking buy option for $GME — leading to a collapse of the shares.

I traded poorly today and finished with some $TZA and $SOXS to augment a portfolio of low beta stocks. My risk is very low because I have very little interest into risking too much into the final day of trade.

My MTD returns for my accounts are as follows:

You may not believe it and you may not like it — but I will make 100% this year.

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