18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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The Bull is Paused

Yesterday’s declarative blog “The Bull is Back” might’ve been a bit presumptuous of me. I tend to get easily excited and sentimental about the halcyon days when I’d throw my trader/servant down very steep flights of stairs for messing up my sell tickets. Nowadays, I get mad at just about anything and when I see the market, my true love, I tend to romanticize about it and always root for her success.

While it’s true, I also want the market to fucking COLLAPSE — that has nothing to do with the market itself, per se, as I view the market an extension of the criminal regime ruling over my country now. To see the market fail is to see them fail, which would then lead to their collapse and eventual transition of power to American patriots. I feel the same way about this regimes current wars.

At any rate, the US 10yr is FLAT and markets opened sharply lower.

But we have to remember the answers and markets love to bid up after it gets marked down at the open. This doesn’t mean it’ll go straight back up, however. It’s worth nothing, breadth is ok at 45% and SAAS stocks are up 65bps. They were down about 0.3% at the open, which is a key tell. That index I speak of is exclusive to Stocklabs — but you layman’s out there can concoct one on your own using stocks like CRM, HUBS, DDOG and others.

I’m very cautious here into this bounce, down just 17bps, 65% cash, keenly positioned both smartly and acutely because I am a professional and that’s what professionals do.

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