18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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At Some Point, We Will Have No Choice But to Drink the Blood of Bill Hwang

Margin liquidations are a painful thing to endure, if you’ve ever been on that side of the ledger. Having your margin clerk burst thru your sheetrock and into your office with immediate demands for a wire, else get market ordered the fuck out is something I do not wish on my worst enemies.

‘Tis the case with Bill Hwang, lunatic from the nice family office named Archegos.

Credit Suisse is feeling the pangs of their own stupidity, as this blackhole once known as Archegos swallows it whole. I am reminded of innumerable occasions when FORCED LIQUIDATIONS caused disruptions in the tape, only to later on revert back to the mean. The same rules apply here. The stocks Bill was forced to sell will be the biggest winners. The only question is, when?

On the list of stocks to buy is GSX, TAL, FTCH, VIAC, DISCA, IQ and perhaps a bit more. But that’s a start.

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  1. heckler

    Drink Bill’s Milkshake

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  2. the4th

    I believe it is time to bring back asshat of the year award sir fly.

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