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Trump Tweets, Market Screams Higher — Rinse and Repeat

Someone should make this sort of thing illegal. Trump has been fucking with the market since he got elected, menacing us with trade wars, only to quickly solve them in bullish tweets. After a while, the market calls bullshit on said tweets, goes lower, and then he sends out Mnuchin and Kudlow to jawbones us back higher. We’ve been doing this shit for over 2 years now and I’m sick and tired of it.

Dare I say, I’m tired of winning.

Of course China wants to make a trade deal. I don’t understand how this is news, but that might be me venting through my sharply lower DRIP and SOXS positions. It’s impossible to gauge what the fuck is going on here, only relying upon the fact that Trump is a god damned narcisist who will do anything to look good.

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  1. acehood

    You just realized this?

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  2. ferd

    Yeah. But he’s likely right about the Chicoms preferring to delay until MSM is done installing Sleepy Joe.

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  3. lesurgeon

    You still Holding UCTT?
    And are you holding a bag?

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  4. torero

    I literally said the same fucking thing an hour ago. This is not news. If they didn’t want to make a deal, they wouldn’t even by flying to D.C. in the first place!!!

    The fact they’re pulling this bullshit, indicates they aren’t as close to a deal as Trump is telling us. It’s not smooth sailing and the formalities of putting their name on paper

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  5. heckler

    Expectations for the Big O’s negotiating skills are so fucking low he could literally just totally give into China’s demands and say he won and stocks will go up.

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  6. one-eighty

    Diaper Don is stinking up the stock market.

    I like how he thinks that China is paying the tarriffs.

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    • cheesefries

      All time record highs! Is that what you call stinking up the stock market?

      I’m sure Crazy Bernie and his free shit for everyone would have our economy roaring..

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  7. cancel19

    I also agree I’m getting tired of this shit!

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  8. s.k.

    Cheer up and take a red pill, snowflakes; it’s just inter-dimensional chess.

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