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Futures Edge Lower ; China Should Be Bombed

Here’s the context of China’a sins against liberty and democracy.

The diplomatic cable from Beijing arrived in Washington late on Friday night, with systematic edits to a nearly 150-page draft trade agreement that would blow up months of negotiations between the world’s two largest economies.

The document was riddled with reversals by China that undermined core U.S. demands, sources told Reuters.

U.S. President Donald Trump responded in a tweet on Sunday vowing to raise tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods from 10% to 25% on Friday.

I have a radical idea. Why not export American democracy into China and regime change them? Why, their people will shower us with flowers in the streets and their vendors will sell us the very best fried rice and Peking duck. I realize there will be collateral damage and many of your sons will need to perish, horribly, in the streets of Beijing — but it’ll be worth it. Think about all of the money we can make in China, all of that hand-wringing money.

Back in the old days, some people made fortunes selling sarsaparilla in China, ended up building grandiloquent homes in Newport, RI and entering society as people of distinguished honor. If we open China up, and I mean ALL THE WAY UP, maybe you too can build a museum styled home in Newport and live gayly like the later Ward Mcallister.

Futures are moderately lower — but a purge is coming.

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One comment

  1. heckler

    They don’t want American democracy. They want to be video taped and assigned an attractiveness score and they don’t mind being tracked and travel restricted and re educated

    Maybe we are looking at this wrong. Western philosophy is just a blip in civilization after all. Not to mention President Xi for Life might be humanity’s last and only hope going forward. Playing along with this climate change hoax might actually work!

    The Big O Orange doest know what he’s doing he will fold and we will resume our march toward the prison factory. It is our destiny.

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