18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Trade Wars are Fun and Easy to Win

The journalists at CNBC are printing lies again.

Every time the market is at an impasse — the cuckholds from CNBC print lies — warning of grave dangers to Main Street if the debt ceiling wasn’t raised, the government wasn’t funded before a deadline, the credit rating cut from AAA, to this Chinese trade war nonsense. I’ve come to believe in nothing, which is a religion unto itself. Some of you believe everything you’re told. Life is easier that way. When you believe in nothing and do not have a strong moral compass, life can go sideways quickly and next thing you know you’re roping yourself off the side of a hotel window. Best thing to do is simply focus on the things that makes sense and you can control.

Futures are down 190. Apparently, yesterday’s respite, was in fact, the olde hucklebuck — just as I suspected. Now all of those people who got ROPED into stocks, those people are going to be tossed around today. I’d be surprised if we got another buy the dip moment this morning, only because most shareholders are weak and cannot withstand a barrage of selling of this magnitude.

Best to batten down the hatches, raise some cash, and prepare for a week or two of harrowing losses.

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  1. cancel19

    Focus on things one can control. Yep, I like that bit of stoicism Dr. Fly.

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  2. ericbakerbruce

    A great man once said: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

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  3. ferd

    Yep. Descending into Cuckoldism can be practical advise.

    Yet history is made by those with the moral courage to piss in the wind when it blows foul.

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  4. acehood

    There’s actually very little you can control. You could lock yourself in a room, by yourself. Anything else invites uncertainty.

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  5. juice

    Fly, a man after your own heart, i.e. a great writer and thinker


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    • J Adabese (your pen pal)
      J Adabese (your pen pal)

      great piece

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    • heckler

      Ultimately the end of the $150 flat screen is good for us. FUCK CHINA!

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    • numbersgame

      Not a fan: the bias is too obvious. He blames the problems of the weakening middle class n the “hipsterocracy of the coastal elites”, ie, liberals.

      Was it liberals or conservateives that:
      1) Took a hold of Senae, Presidency, and House and moved us towads univerasl healthcare (BTW, medical debt is the leading cause of persoanl bankruptcy)
      2) Took a hold of the governemtn and gave a huge tax break to the 1%, and shifted all regiualtiosn towards Corporate interests
      3) Voted unanimously in the SC that Corporatiosn are peopel (Ciitzens United) vs the group that voted unanimously against that
      4) Worked for decades to reduce union power?

      The main problem is that the liberals discredit the social positions of “flyover country”, thus pushing them into the hands of party that is economically destroying them.

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  6. roundwego

    Distressed home owners who are kicking out their kids who have been living in properties they owned. Wild how much they let their kids trash their own house. Does anyone fully grasp the ramification of no genetic filter. Darwinism is dead.

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  7. numbersgame

    Looks like I ditched TVIX early. Forgot to think about the reaction to the news instead of the actaul reality of it.

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