18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts

Introducing a New Kindler, Gentler Exodus

For the past 10 months or so I’ve been cursing and hollering and bullying my dear members of Exodus — taking up their time with nonsensical faux moon landing theories and a sundry of recipes, which quite frankly, is both annoying and stupid. More than that, the vulgarity inside of The Pelican Room has reached an ebb that has cascaded and caused several long standing members of this fine service to email me profanities and cancel their service — greatly offended in a biblical and moralistic sense.

I’ve had some time to contemplate these rational complaints, and I’m sure many of you are expecting me to tell them to ‘fuck off’ or to go ahead and fuck their mothers or something ribald in that nature. But you’d be wrong.

See, I grew up inside of an oil field, in Central Brooklyn, in a little known enclave called “The Flatlands.” The Native Americans named it that thousands of years ago; and although the land was entirely flat for miles and miles and miles, just like the rest of the planet, they curiously never bothered to invent a wheel. But what they did do is discover oil, lots of lots of oil — and I grew up inside of those Flatland wells and heard men swear all day long, throw large wrenches at one another, and slap each other in the faces with hot mops.

This is why I am this way — because of my terrible childhood around oil men. This is another reason why I’m always trying to short oil — in a life long attempt to exact some cosmic revenge against those bastards for always throwing their lit cigars on my front lawn.

Now what does any of this shit have to do with my God damned trading room? I’ll tell you in just a minute.

I’ve listened to you all and agree — there needs to be a higher level of professionalism inside the Pelican Room. There’s a reason why every damned person whoever worked for me on the site has quit, or gone off to do other things. Bear with me as I work through my trauma.

The new Exodus will be solely focused on trades, actionable trades — such as the 15 for 16 winning streak of trades I am presently on. It will NOT include an iota of food recipes, theories on physics, politics, eugenics, family, movies, books, anecdotal stories, and most importantly VULGARITY.

A short while ago, one of my favorite long term members quit in an absolute rage — because I kept referring to the trading range as being inside of a ‘FAGbox.’ As a matter of fact, I affix the word “Fag” to just about everything and this is highly offensive. Such homophobia cannot be tolerated in this day and age. There’s a reason why after a decade on Twitter, I barely have 40,000 followers on the platform, been kicked off Facebook, tossed off and banned from Youtube etc. “The Fly” is highly offensive and not for everyone, again a byproduct of my horrible horrible childhood in the fields.

In short, my eyes are wide open to the issues presently plaguing and haranguing you inside Exodus. We are currently rebuilding the platform and it’ll come with a much bigger dick for you to fuck yourselves with and the next iteration will be splendid, bright and grande. All of these problems will soon be washed away, and we can enjoy equanimity with one another and set aside our differences and live freely and truly. I promise you that. If you have any other concerns you feel need to be aired out and leveled towards me — feel free to express yourself. This is a community after all, one that has churned and devolved over the past 12 years into a zoo of unkempt outcasts, flinging shit at one another. I will take control of all of this and martial in some resources and impose some law and order — keeping people in line — keeping focused on the BIG PRIZE of stock market winning, lambos, fancy vacations, and really large houses.

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  1. indexjoe

    “This is why I am this way — because of my terrible childhood around oil men“.

    I’m dying.

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  2. heckler

    Alright so, RESPEK Fly. You really are one in ten millions. And while it never offended me
    don’t let the Data Realists and the PC Realists get too deep under your skinny bubbler. Don’t move to Carolina. And don’t ever fucking apologize.

    I’m not a stock god for fucks sake it’s just fun. But this site has always been and remarkably is STILL a pocket of Internet Respek to be reckoned with. You are the community and always have been, gay-ass paywall or not

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  3. worldinmy3y3s

    What a faggy blog.

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  4. heckler

    I saw a bald eagle take a crow out of the air the other day. Just grabbed it mid-air and it was fucking savage. Basically just spit it in half in mid-air with like a snap. The eagle had had enough and it just fucking ripped it apart leaving half in each talon before letting go.
    Okay I won’t use slurs anymore but let’s not be pussies here. How about some pro America! In the cusp of something good here guys. Something raw. Fuck China. Stocks have 40% upside from here. Maybe 50%. Fuck Trump Fuck China long live the Fly especially when he tries CBD for the first time

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  5. flyaway17

    Everyone who reads your blogs knows your swagger and swearing is just a show. However, if I was a paid sub I would definitely want more substance and less banter in the Pelican Room. Best of luck!

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  6. halfbloodpope

    When Chess ran the room it was a bit too stuffy. I personally enjoyed some banter amongst the real trades.

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    • Dr. Fly

      You were great and are definitely missed. Get together a few shekels and come back, for the love of Christ.

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  7. cancel19

    This is what happens when the Blue Pill is finally swallowed. RIP the artist formally known as The Real Fly. Sad indeud.

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  8. MR

    A simple search shows “fag” to mean to work hard, especially at a tedious job or task…which seems quite similar in both theory and practice to being in a trading range….but you’d have to be the wiser to multiple definitions of words and the nuances of language. Regardless, as long as there isn’t a sudden affinity to go long oil for no apparent reason I would think it will all be the same difference.

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  9. kdogg1787

    Don’t change. You are the best on the interwebs. Fuckem if they cant take a joke. If you get censored, angels die along with freedom. If I had feelings and believed in emotion, I imagine my logo would represent them properly at the moment.

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  10. ferd

    Thank goodness you’re finally starting to wake. Also, I would appreciate it if you would stop referring to gender at all, as those of us who are fluid find it discomfiting. Another thing, you must stop with the braggadocian posts; they make me feel badly if I have performed less well. Indeed, your very masthead “M word and Commander” is offensive as it implies that you are M word over others.

    Thank you, SPLC

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  11. chuck bennett

    Oil men all around.



    Chuck Bennett

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  12. numbersgame

    There’s a line between entertainment and pointless vulgarity and, yeah, you probabbly crossed it long ago.

    I’m guessing that a big source of the problem is that most of the cheerleaders egging you on were in high school the last time we had a bear market. Since every trader starts out on the long side, 10 years of Bull market make these guys think that they are gods with the arrogance to match.

    I’m not pleading innocence, either, as I probably used some of your lanaguage in response. It really is pointless: would the posts be any less informative or entertaining if they referenced an “Escape room” instead of a “F**box”?

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  13. numbersgame

    Also, I congratualate you for not trying to justify your posts by cláiming that you aren’t “polictically correct,” which is just a term @$$holes uses when they can’t justify their (sexist/racist/homophobic/anti-semitic/etc.) position by any other way.

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