18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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We’re in a Bear Market, Until Stocks Break Higher Again

How do we resolve the present tape? It’s important to remember that we’re only going lower due to a self-inflicted wound. Agreed? That being said, the wound can be resolved rather quickly. Would you also agree?

So, naturally, shorting into a tape with a poor technical set up is sensible, only if the move lower was organic — but this is anything but that. Trump can announce a deal this afternoon and stocks will spring higher by 900 tomorrow.

It’s true, I am short via SOXS and DRIP, but they’re merely hedges against much larger long exposure.

Head into this poor technical set up with trepidation, but know and understand the cards are entirely in Trump’s hands. For now, I am not adhering to my stop losses and will consider doubling down in my trading position if we gap lower tomorrow.

Good luck and fuck off.

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  1. og

    China better get on that plane.

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  2. it is showtime
    it is showtime

    Record High Levels




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  3. WrongView

    Stocks definitely going down until they go up.

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  4. awanka

    This tape shows such an undercurrent of fear. I think we go lower.

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  5. numbersgame

    I think the next move is actually in China’s hands.

    If Trump had threatened tariffs privately (over the phone or through his negotiatiors), then he could back down. However, by tweeting publicly, he has removed his option to drop the tariffs unless China goes back to the original deal. Their is not a dribble of criticism from Mnuchin or anyone else, becuase they know that saving face is big in Chinese culture and so China undersatdns the situation very well.

    While I anticipated that China woudl like to remian vague in its comittments, I do not think that they will go back on anything that has had written agreement. I still think that was just a Chinese test/bluff, and the agreement as previously written will stand. There is also a strong possibility that the agreement was weak (from the US point of view) in the first place, and the current turn of events makes the agreement look stronger, thus making Trump and his team look better. Everyone is keeping an eye on who gets on/off the Trade Team plane from China.

    However, I totally agree that the utter devasation that this huge, **2%** market crash has wrought can be easily turned around as well. It aslo bears in mind that I am not warea of any news that makes today any worse than yesterday, which makes the whoel panic over blown.

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    • numbersgame

      There’s a nice gap on March 29 that needs filling. That would take us to the 5% drop I mentioned. If there is no significnat news that takes us there, I will buy that. Otherwise, I’m stting on Treasuries.

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  6. tmmdn0

    Hey Fly, Carter B. Worth is on Fast Money right now.
    Please give us what we want: a post about Carter with the usual references to Nantucket, wind swept hair, etc.

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  7. roundwego

    Say it fly, test the lows.

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  8. heckler

    Hey guys I wouldn’t listen to Fly’s Bearshitter Vagina Monologues any longer. We go higher. Solar and Bitcoin fucking bears up today. Not exactly conservative plays. Good luck with those DRIP shares assclowns. A little volatility is good for the heart.

    Nota Bene: Fuck China!

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  9. heckler

    I’ve got two 500 million dollar darlings. TEUM reported today looks solid. And I think CVSI reports tomorrow. If they didn’t sell $25M of FUCKING CBD in one quarter I might get suspicious of a bear. Trump is good for CBD and FUCK CHINA!

    I think that Gubdlach dickbag might be right. Maybe this was a bear market. And it just bottomed bitches

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