18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Easy Set Up — Bears Fucking Destroyed Again

I find myself getting irritable again. After a year or so of seemingly pleasant living, I am being uprooted from my somber sleep and feel a boiling rage inside of me, only tempered by the fact I am always tired — sleep deprived, and sustained on extensive coffee binges.

Today was an easy market to predict because oil didn’t gap lower with the indices and HYG went up. I can’t keep wasting my fucking time repeating the same things, only to see you ignore it and blow yourselves up in errant trades gone stupid.

My Quant is up 93bps today with 20 mins left of trading. My latest purchase, GNLN, is sperging out to the upside. I am about to buy one more stock to close out the fucking day and then take a giant construction bag and fill it with old cans of paint. I don’t give a shit about the environment and I hope my paint spills into your morning coffee.

Fucking off for now.

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  1. heckler

    There is nothing fucking worse than moving

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  2. it is showtime
    it is showtime

    Can we get a Kim Still Testing Nukes headline tonight?

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  3. numbersgame

    Earlier today, Bloomberg said that Trump’s tweet was in response to a Chinese double-cross attempt. If that is true, then he is not trying to escalate, but only holding the Chinese to honor what has been agreed upon so far. Looks like the Chinese were testign just how badly he wanted a deal and Trump didn’t cave. F*** China.

    I sold all my TVIX in the morning and look forward to reloading when the muppets go complacent again. I even bought a little MU, on the basis that the chance of a China deal is now slightly underpriced.

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    • rigged game

      Trump, the blubbergut moronic piece of Shiite,
      is the world’s WORST negotiator. He has lost
      every negotiation he has engaged is since he
      stole the election via a Russky-led fake vote count.

      This clown could not negotiate his way out of
      a two-hole outhouse. Now Americans will be
      paying even MORE of his stupid tariffs!

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      • cheesefries

        Trump is kicking ass and taking names.

        This is called winning.

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      • wolfdaddy

        Ha ha ha ha ha 6 more years!

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      • numbersgame

        I’m not a Trump fan if it wasn’t clear to the newbies, but here is my take:
        1) China has been playing on unfair basis for a while
        2) No previous President has called them on it, other then some “currency manipulation” name-calling
        3) Trump isn’t the the head negotiator

        Also, further investigation of the other big market-turnign event is another nothingburger:
        Look at this line of carriers:
        Now look at this one:
        The USS Lincoln carrier group is just replacing the USS Stenis, so this is more just sabre rattling on the part of the white house than any real increase in middle east presence. Air craft carriers are huge, so Iran, China, Russia, etc. already know this, but civilians are easily fooled.

        In other words, S&P 500 3000 will still be hit before the next bear market (we might go down 5% before then, but not more without a catalysts)

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        • ferd

          Ain’t just the LIncoln dude. Our evangelical warmonger Pompeo has said that if Iran or “some third-party proxy, whether that’s a Shia militia group or the Houthis or Hezbollah, we will hold the … Iranian leadership directly accountable for that.” So there’s a whole variety of reasons that can be used for us to hit the final country in the plan that the neocons drew up in the 1990s and which has been executed upon ever since 9/11.

          I don’t know if this this is it is it, but it is better not to be complacent when warmongering psychopaths like Pompeo, Bolton, and Netanyahu are running our mid-east relations.

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      • juice

        Trump Derangement Syndrome much?

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  4. heckler


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  5. roundwego

    Pain is intensified when complacent. When ignorantly complacent, the market will decapitate with margin calls.

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    Imagine if that lumpy 150 pd. bag of hammers was our President.

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