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Betting on Vapors Smoking Their Way Higher

I bought some GNLN today, new IPO specializing in vaping. All of the cool kids these days vape. Seeing the stock lower from it’s offering price, I like my chances here — based upon the ancient laws of addiction and substance abuse.

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  1. matt_bear

    profiting off the lower class is how America is made.

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  2. numbersgame

    GNLN: Vapes are increasing in popularity, so therefore every Vape company will be successful and the price of the stock is irrelevant. It also doesn’t matter that their costs are rising at a faster rate than their revenues.

    On the other hand, last Friday ended *7* staright days of closing lower near the lows of the day, so momentum is fianlly turning.

    No way do you want to hold this above $16.90

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  3. indie

    a great alternative to fancy cigars, sawdust and tylex fumes.

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